Author: C
Rating: PG?
Wordcount: 943
Story / World: Amethyst Sky
Title: The Homework Was Also Overdue (Or: Orange Ink)
Counts for the Summer Challenge? As my last! <3
Prompts: Toasted Almond [02 // dark horse].
Characters: Janet, Tam, the kelpie.
Toppings / Extras / Other: Prompt from Rika [she found him standing, looking lost].
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Comments 4
well, whenever i do Real Work on the beginning of amethyst sky ~proper~, you'll be seeing a lot more of her, if that helps? (she and tam are a major subplot, if that's not an oximoron, but i tread cautiously with them - read as, barely write them - because romance is not something i am exactly of the good at. oh. er. was that a spoiler? /takes for granted that everyone would know from the names and thus the associated ballad how it'd go. oops.)
she should be fine! mostly? there's - something wrong with her body, and i'm not sure what (tempting to make it joint-related, but that could be too write what you know =3), but at any rate what i am trying to get at is that she will end up no more damaged than she is as a default. which is the best you can do, i guess.
oh, it does. and it's probably shaped like a turtle, so aerial view is fun.
ee, thanks.
oh, yeah, i've got some experience as far as that goes ;) (janet, however... not so much. she is very much a city kid. or should that be a City kid? seeing as the city's proper name starts with City... i am so confused.) apparently normal horse behaviour is also trying to eat my hair, so.
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