gingerbread/thyme with butterscotch and fresh strawberries

Aug 26, 2010 12:11

title: kid, you shoulda been in pictures
author: itcomesandgoes
universe: the Shadowlands and Sunlands (before they finalized the divorce)
flavors:thyme 13: in good hands; gingerbread 19: my, what big teeth you have
extra: fresh strawberries, the Punishment of Loki
topping: butterscotch
characters: Sigyn, Loki, Prometheus, Jenny
length: 1966 words
rating: G, or ( Read more... )

[extra] fresh fruit : strawberries, [challenge] gingerbread, [challenge] thyme, [topping] butterscotch

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Comments 8

ssundaysunday August 26 2010, 21:23:11 UTC
Immortals are a bitch that way. I've had the "Okay so this is ten thousand years in the past so... not even butterscotch" moment WAY too many times.

Also, gods = yay. Shout outs to the whorish goddess someone had the genius idea to name me after = yay, and this being interesting enough to make me read more than 500 words in one sitting = YAY.


itcomesandgoes August 27 2010, 23:22:36 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it (regardless of its length).

At least it helps that I know there is a very definite now-ness to the time where Generally, Canon Has This As Its Timeline; and this is obviously going to be way far before that. But yeah... Pete's a pretty old dude at this point.

(He says he gets another ten thousand years, and he's only three-thousand-something, so relatively speaking he's young! and I tell him that he's protesting too much.)


nothingtoregret August 26 2010, 23:06:15 UTC
I didn't actually notice the length of this until I'd finished... haha, a bit too engrossed in it!

I particularly absolutely love the line - Jenny please! That thing's bigger than an elephant! The mental images are just awesome!


itcomesandgoes August 27 2010, 23:23:31 UTC
It's very clear in my mind that that line comes out more or less as a wail, too. :D

Thank you for reading! I'm going to take the comment about length as a compliment.


nothingtoregret August 28 2010, 12:16:07 UTC
That's definitely how I heard it! Still makes me chuckle reading it again. :)

Yes, please do! I love things that engross me so much that I lose track of the time, especially when they're imaginative and make me grin like an idiot too. :)


wingshaped August 27 2010, 03:23:27 UTC
oh my precious gods-really-being-mages idea has GROWN UP SO MUCH since I was in high school! And I haven't got a single icon to show for it yet. (Money. I need money.)

Jenny doesn't quite, you know. Get the whole "it is his son" thing. According to Jenny, it's ENTRAILS. and I didn't remember Sigyn being blind ...


smoothiegarten August 28 2010, 04:19:50 UTC
Everything involving the eagle made me laugh. Poor Prometheus, but I suppose having a pal that's more magic than bird does have its uses. Also, the last line was an excellent reference. It's okay to take things one step at a time, and it sounds like getting free was a pretty big step for Loki and Sigyn, so they can deal with the outside of the cave later. :D


bookblather September 2 2010, 03:33:56 UTC
Okay, this made my inner mythology geek extremely happy. Especially the fact that you got the details right. <3 And I just love the way it's told! So brilliant. Lovely job.


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