Blurred Whispers
Butterfly Effect+ Word of the Day #28 [gormandize]
+ Pocky
She wasn’t hungry. She should probably eat. Her arms buckled and she fell into the pillows.
Juliet taking care of Daisy while she was in hospital.
“I bought you that salad you didn’t want.” Julie was standing in her doorway, bangs hiding her eyes. Daisy smiled up from the hospital bed. She was tired and Juliet was slightly unfocused.
“Thanks.” Daisy muttered, trying to sit up. Her head was thumping with pain. She wasn’t hungry. She should probably eat. Her arms buckled and she fell into the pillows.
Juliet stepped into the room. She pressed one of the buttons on the hospital bed. Daisy sat up with an electric sound. And slowly and carefully, Juliet spooned some food into Daisy’s mouth. Daisy realised she was hungry.