The PG version of Seth/Shasa

Dec 18, 2008 18:18

Cotton Candy #12. Cuddle with Hot Fudge
Rating :PG
Timeframe : 1258
Word Count : 454

No need to read this if you read the NC-17 version, it just cuts off sooner.

Shasa eyed her companion from the familiar position of the crook of his arm. “I hear you’ve never bedded a woman.”

Cold blue eyes continued to stare in silent appreciation at the hand that worked its way across his chest.

“Of course,” she said. “If I’m to believe everything I hear, you have bedded my brother.” Her hand paused, her eyes rising to meet his. Sethan’s narrowed, one black brow arching upward, Hers fell back to her hand, which resumed its motion. “You know I don‘t believe everything I hear.” She laughed. Her palm slid over the sleight form of muscle, tense beneath the fabric of his shirt, pale fingers tracing slow circles over the dark cloth. “So, have you…?” She tried to focus on the feel of him beneath her hand, wondering what it was that possessed her to bring up such a thing at all, let alone ask it, and what it was she hoped his answer might be.

“How many women do you think are foolish enough?” Trust Sethan not to answer anything directly.

Shasa frowned, her hand poised over his heart. “Do you think me foolish?” she said.

His chest shook, though the laugh was little more than an exhale. “Sometimes,” he said.

Shasa’s head shot up, her eyes seeking his out again, bottom lip curled between her teeth as she debated whether the comment merited an angry response. Sharp blue gleamed back at her, playfully echoing the smile that set across his lips, and the desire to take those lips and kiss them chased away any retort she might have made.

The man’s grin broadened as he brought up a hand to brush her cheek. “So,” he said. “Does this mean you cam here with something more than this in mind?”

“Well,” she said, eyes sliding over the form stretched out on the bed beside her. “I had begun to hope.”

Long fingers coiled around the back of her head, twining in her hair. “Wouldn’t want to disappoint you,” Sethan murmured, drawing her down until her lips met his own. “Even if it is foolish.”

His mouth pulled at hers and she fisted her hand in his shirt. An arm came up around her and she was rolling, under his guidance, onto her back. Sethan laid her down on the mattress, his lips straying from her own lips to her throat. Shasa craned her neck with a sigh. “If loving you is so foolish, then I’ll gladly be a fool.”

“I love you,” he said, his face pressed to her neck.

She wrapped one hand in his dark curls, while the other traveled down his side. “Show me?” she said, fingers lingering on his waist.

“Gladly,” came the response.

[challenge] cotton candy, [topping] hot fudge, [author] shayna

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