Title: No Giving Up Main Story: In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Rocky road 30 (left in the dark), malt (PFAH: Danny : yield for nothing), whipped cream
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I'm planning some stuff from Danny's mom's POV when I switch flavors, so that should help clear up the stuff Danny can't see or understand. Her family is just all kinds of dysfunctional. Thanks for reading!
Another one for the bad parents handbook then... I second wondering what we're missing in the situation that Danny isn't picking up on, but locking your kid in anywhere isn't justifiable. Be intesting to see how mal-adjusted (or not) all these kids turn out to be :)
Danny and Olivia do have some pretty severe problems, but fortunately they get help. Weirdly, Michael turns out more or less normal, which is almost entirely due to Danny. And I don't try to justify Danny's mother's actions, but I also got Yvonne wandering around in my head and compared to her Danny's mom is a saint. :D Thanks for reading!
:( Poor Danny. On the one hand I think it's really brave of her to go through this to help Michael, but at the same time, GRRRR HER MOM. Parents have a huge hand in how their children look at the world, and this is just wrong.
In the Heart could probably be subtitled "Creative Ways In Which Parents Fuck Up Their Children." Since it works for about half my protagonists. Lars and the Kendall kids got off easy. Thanks for reading!
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