Title: The Question
Story Continuity:
The Lethean Glamour Flavor: Chocolate Chip Mint 8: incessant, Rhubarb 20: what do you have there?
Extra: Pocky
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary: Holly is always asked the same questions, and none of them are right.
Note: Pocky spam night, woo! ^^
Holly was often asked what it was like, growing up with charmed books. Her reply was always uniform: "Like growing up with uncharmed books, I imagine. Though your mileage may vary."
Nobody bothered to notice that it was a silly question (she'd never read an uncharmed book) and eventually, they'd lose interest (nobody asked if she'd had Mr. Darcy, which she had) and wander off. Nobody asked anything interesting, but maybe they didn't know the right questions.
Some people, Holly thought, didn't have to worry about misfiled books molesting them. (Holly thought that they must be a very pitiable lot.)