(no subject)

Nov 24, 2008 23:56

Vanilla #28. Letter
Rating : G
Timeframe :Winter 1260
Word Count : 194

Dear Mother and Father,

I am writing to inform you that both Lyssa and I are alive and that you need not worry for us. Conditions being what they are, it would not be prudent for either of us to make an appearance at this time, but I will contact you again when I can.

- Masakari

Lyssa did her best not to crumple the paper into a wad and throw it at her sister. “This is it?” she said, peering at her over the top of the letter.

Ski shrugged. “I thought it sufficient.”

“You’re not even going to mention the baby?”

Ski chewed her lip for a moment before forcing a smile in place. “I thought it might be best to do so in person.”

Lyssa’s hand curled round the paper, smashing and pressing it into a mangled little ball. Ski didn’t even bother to dodge as it came flying towards her.

“Can you imagine Mother getting such a letter?” said Ski, working to smooth the wrinkles out of the thing with shaking hands. “Would it not be best to wait?”

“Whatever.” Lyssa buried her head in her hand with a groan.

[author] shayna, [challenge] vanilla

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