random Lyssa & Ski

Nov 23, 2008 16:16

Vanilla #4. I can't believe you don't know how to...
Rating : G
Timeframe : 1265
Word Count : 373

Lyssa gripepd the side of the kettle in one mit covered hand and gave the wooden spoon lodged in its contents a shove. “I don’t see why you didn’t just have Mother send a couple of servants with you.”

Hands planted on her hips, Ski glared back at her. “She was not exactly thrilled at our leaving. Besides, we managed to take care of ourselves well enough at the fort.”

“We had Rune to cook for us at the fort,” said Lyssa, frowing at the bubbling brown sludge in front of her. Ski made a grab for the spoon, which Lyssa neatly dodged. “Really, Ski.” She wrenched the spoon from the pot, wrinkling her nose as something brown and sticky dripped in great, wet globs from its end. “It should be easy. Just your thing magically even.”

Ski made another lunge and her fist closed over the spoon next to Lyssa’s and pulled the thing out of her hand. “I assure you I can manage. Magic or no magic.”

“You are not feeding her this,” said Lyssa, as the last chunk of whatever it was fell from the spoon. She took the whole pot from the stovetop and deposited it in the sink where it met the dishwater with a hiss. “I’ll teach you how to make something decent.”

“And since when are you the expert?” said Ski, still clutching the spoon

“You’re kidding, right? Go grab my bag.”

Ski frowned but reached for Lyssa’s knapsack just the same. She pulled open the drawstring and peered inside, her jaw dropping. “You planned for this,” she said, drawing a cloth wrapped bundle from the bag. A handful of carrots followed and she waved them at Lyssa accusingl before depositing them on the counter.

Lyssa shrugged. “I know you. So I stopped at the market on my way here.” Ski paused in her stacking of food to scowl at her. “You’ll thank me for this later,” she said. “And even if you don’t, Mara will.” Ski shook her head and turned the knapsack over to dump the last of the potatoes onto her growing pile.

“Now,” said Lyssa, ignoring the sigh as her sister stepped out of her way, “The proper way to make stew.”

[author] shayna, [challenge] vanilla

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