(no subject)

Oct 10, 2008 11:54

Strawberry #4. Sunrise
Rating : PG
Timeframe : winter 1255 (the morning after a certain other piece)
Word Count : 356

For those of you who are new and have been introduced to teenage Rune, this is during the main story and, well, obviously, things are looking a bit better for him at this point

Rune woke with a shiver as the covers were yanked from his bare body. A glance to his left found Lyssa huddled beneath them. He pried a corner of the blanket from her face and she squinted out at him, a fierce scowl on her lips.

“Good morning to you too,” he said.

Lysaa jabbed a finger at the window, set aglow by the morning sun. “What is that?”

Rune scratched his head. “I think it’s usually called the sun.”

The creases that lined her brow deepened. “Thanks,” she said. “What’s it doing in here?”

“Your room faces the same way,” he said, tugging enough of the blankets back to him to satisfy his modesty. “I’d think you would be used to it.”

“I had the sense to put up curtains.” She gave the window as appraising a look as she could with her eyes half shut. “We’ll have to put some up in here.”

“We?” said Rune, his voice nearly cracking. “One night and you’re moving in?”

Lyssa’s eyes widened as they settled on his and an incredibly warm hand slid out from under the covers and across his chest. “Well, if you’d rather I didn’t-

“No,” he said, more forcefully than he’d intended, as he stared at the fingers slowly making their way over his skin. “No objections. Not to you anyway. But the curtains…”

“What?” Lyssa tensed.

“It‘s just, not all of us like to spend half the day in bed, you know.”

Lyssa grinned, thick red lips curling over white teeth. “We’ll have to do something about that too.” Her hand trailed up along his neck, coming to rest cupped against his cheek.

“Oh?” said Rune as she drew near.

She tightened her hold on him and brought her lips to his. Rune shivered again as the covers shifted and he felt the warmth of her body pressed against him. He closed his eyes and snaked an arm around her waist.

“Oh,” he said, when he’d finally found his breath.

Wide, dark eyes smiled back at him. “Unless you’d rather-”

“No. Not at all,” he said, and drew her in for another kiss.

[challenge] strawberry, [author] shayna

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