Cold Homecoming

Jul 08, 2009 13:28

Author: Bitz
Title: Cold Homecoming
Rating: PG-13
Challenge: Rocky Road #29-Out in the cold, Chocolate #11-Confusion and Cotton Candy #14-Excuse
Topping/Extra: Butterscotch
Story: Hearts on Fire Series
Summary: Holly is in deep trouble when she gets home.
Word Count: 923

Holly waved to Shane and as he drove off, gathered her jacket around her body before walking up the short stair steps of the trailer she stayed in. Walking inside the semi-warm building, she set her purse and jacket on the loveseat. Bottles of liquor and beer were everywhere and she kicked one to the side to make a path. Shaking her head, thinking about Shane, Holly yawned and turned the corner to the kitchen only to have a menacing figure block her path. Holly bit back a scream of surprise before sighing in relief. "Rocky! You scared me!" she giggled out before grabbing a glass for milk.

"Where the hell were you?"

Holly paused looking at Rocky with confusion. "At work. Where else?"

Rocky advanced towards Holly then; massive arms crossed. "Don't play with me, Holly. I saw you getting out of that truck with that asshole." Holly chuckled as Rocky's behavior was becoming more and more amusing.

"Do you realize that you are calling a complete stranger an asshole?"

"Complete stranger my ass. Don't give me that excuse cause I've heard the rumors about you, girl."

Holly paused in taking another swallow. "What? Now what the hell are you talking about?"

Rocky cleared his throat; his anger growing even more apparent. "I've heard that you been skipping out on shifts at work doing God knows what."

"That's a lie and you ought to be ashamed for even believing them, Rocky!"

"Obviously not! You just got out of a truck from who knows where with what you call a complete stranger. Now who's the liar?! Huh? Huh?!"

Pissed off to no end by Rocky's accusations of her disloyalty, Holly slammed the glass down and walked back into the living room before whirling around and yelling out, "Yeah! I was in the truck with a complete stranger and you want to know why? It wasn't cause I was being dirty. It was cause my drunken ass boyfriend couldn't get his ass up to come and get me from work! I called you over and over and because of you, I fucking had to walk home in the cold!"

Rocky was silent staring at Holly as her words sunk in.

"Yeah, but it didn't take all that long for you to get your lazy fat ass up to eat and watch tv, huh?"

The atmosphere was crackling with tension and anger and Holly was just tired of fighting. "You know what? I'm going to take a shower and go to bed because I don't want to see your nasty drunk ass face for the rest of the night."

Walking to pass her stunned boyfriend, Holly gasped as she was suddenly pulled back and cried out as Rocky backhanded her hard; her body tumbling over a small wooden table. The lamp fell and broke beside her.

"Now what?! Look what you made me do, Holly! You do shit like this when you know my temper is fucked up!"

Whimpering, Holly slowly got up, wiping her now bloody busted lip. Staring at Rocky and breathing hard, she flicked him off. "Fuck you..." Rocky nearly roared with anger, reaching for her quickly "You fuckin' bitch!"

Holly was too fast for him, jumping and running across the couch to the kitchen where she immediately brandished the butcher knife. Rocky stopped in his tracks. Holly trembled with fear but held the knife in front of her. She took a step forward, motioning for him to let her back out.

"You just back on up, Rocky..."

"Come on, Holly. Calm down baby and put the knife down."

"Don't you call me baby you asshole. You put your fucking hands on me!"

"You deserved it, honey."

"I don't deserve any man who puts his hands on me the way you did. Period."

Rocky held his hands up and and Holly backed out of the kitchen, walking backwards towards her purse and jacket; keeping her eyes on his. Rocky took a step forward, as if trying to make things right.

"Come on babe. I didn't mean it. Come on-let's eat, make some love and go to bed. It will all be better in the morning."

Holly couldn't believe the audacity of the man she thought loved her. She flipped her hair over her shoulder with a quick move of her head before saying " lost me. You only get to hit me once, you crazy bastard."

Rocky realized that he had lost the battle and the woman he adored and instead of being ashamed about it, his temper flared. "I'm crazy huh? Then get the fuck out of my trailer, bitch before you truly will see crazy and be sorry for it!"

Holly didn't need to be told twice as she reached behind her and grabbed her things before running out of the trailer out into the cold for good. Crossing the road, she threw the knife in a field and kept running to the gas station.

Tears streamed down her face and ignoring the looks from nearby people headed to the pay phone. Digging through her purse she found the number and after paying the phone called it. "Please...please be there..." she whispered in desperation, wiping her eyes.

"Hello?" a southern toned voice asked.



"It's Holly...I..."

"Holly? What's up hun?"

"I need you to come get me. I need your help, I...He hit me..." she couldn't get the rest out through the sob.


Holly gripped the phone at the silence. "Shane?"

"I'm on my way."

[challenge] rocky road, [challenge] cotton candy, [author] bitz, [challenge] chocolate, [topping] butterscotch

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