Title: Dreaming in Sunlight
Heroes of the Revolution (Divide & Rule)Flavor(s): Sangria #30 (nothing happens unless first a dream), Cookies & Cream #20 (reach)
Toppings/Extras: None.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 254
Notes: Jul 1949; Julia Graves/Edward Iveson. (Just a small fragment I wrote the other week to prove I could still write something, really! Day 4 of the honeymoon.)
Summary: It’s nearly time to go home, and Julia’s not ready.
Julia woke, the early summer sunlight filtering in through the curtains, beflowered in yellow and green. She turned slightly, finding Edward still apparently asleep beside her and felt again that inexplicable and unfamiliar wave of happiness flood through her. She shifted again, fear creeping in after: today was the fourth day of their honeymoon; today they had to leave. She liked it here, in this charming olde worlde hotel, in holiday mood, safely away from all the mundane annoyances and worries. She didn’t want to leave it for a home and life that was as yet unknown to her. She had never seen Edward’s house and she couldn’t imagine it from what little he’d said. A typical London town house, he’d told her briefly and she pictured something tall and narrow and dark, and she felt cold already. They’d have to start working out their real relationship and no longer play this delightful game, pretending they were only like any other newly married couple.
Right here, right now, it didn’t feel much like a game or pretence, Julia thought, putting out a hand to touch Edward’s chest. But one couldn’t build so much on so small an acquaintance: the ground was too uncertain, too inclined to crumble away. They both knew that.
Edward wasn’t asleep; he opened his eyes to see her looking at him and kissed her head as she edged closer still. If this was really only a dream, she would make all she could of it before they must wake up again.