FotD 2.21

Feb 21, 2015 14:26

Rating: PG
Warning(s): --
Flavors: Flavor of the Day (augur)
Extras/Toppings: Pocky
Word count: 100
Project: From a Place Past Paradise
Notes: Quickwrite for fun and a break from the school submission.

Charlotte stared at The Order’s entrance.

The hall was quiet, a bit too quiet for a simple meeting to update the Council on their missions.

She turned to her brunette partner, seeking eye contact for reassurance that there was something off here, that maybe this was not quite safe, not quite right. However, her friend did not turn; Charlotte was left to stew in anxiety alone.

“Thought you’d be over all this, Lottie.” Vela said suddenly, making Charlotte jump. “After all,”-a grin-“we’re a lot scarier than some silly oldies. And, superstitions…Bah! We’re the source of all of those.”

[author] ruhgeenuh, [extra] pocky, [challenge] flavor of the day

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