Bunny Tracks #3

Dec 06, 2014 22:29

Rating: PG
Flavors: Bunny Tracks #3 (Train)
Word count: 805
Project: From a Place Past Paradise
Notes: Wrote this up a pretty long time ago on a whim.

“It’s not like that.” She lifted her head from her palms, eyes shut. “Not at all,” she added in a whisper, a hushed silence overtaking her. Her head dropped back down, as if it weighed too much to keep it up.

Autumn stared at the girl that sat across from her. A curtain of dark hair cascaded over a thin, pallid frame. If the girl had dressed in anything more stereotypical like a black robe, Autumn was sure that any human would believe the girl to be Death. She looked like a true reaper, a reaper that looked like she had ridden on horseback out of a book and into this wretched reality. She looked it more than Autumn, by a lot. Ironically enough, the two appeared to be around the same age, the same age when they had been turned.

Their knees were almost touching in the small enclosure of the train cabin. It was clear what body part belonged to which girl. The contrast was enormous, like looking between a living being and a corpse.

The train turned at a bend, swaying both girls. The opposing legs touched for a mere second, but the contact was enough to make the other girl shiver.

“It’s not something that I look forward to,” the girl muttered.

“Then, what is it?” Autumn asked.

Removing her elbows from the small table by the window, her head was held in mid-air. Slowly, she lifted it. The dark veil of hair fell back, revealing a pair of stormy gray eyes. The skin surrounding them was slightly darker, less pale than the rest of the skin. Yet, rather than comfort, the color only enhanced the unearthly look she maintained.

“I don’t enjoy it.”

“Some do.”

“Well, I don’t.” The empty gray orbs bore into Autumn, sending a quick current of prickles through the auburn-haired’s nerves that tickled across her skin. “But, I don’t know if I would have liked it back then, though.”

Autumn continued to stare at the young woman, another teen that had been dragged into this life. New, but more experienced than her. That was what Cipher had said at least.

Autumn had yet to take a life yet, but this girl was to be her partner. This girl had experience; she would teach her. And, together, they would learn and grow into the fine mindless specimens that the organization wanted.

“How can I know what I would have thought of it back then, when I don’t have memories of before?” The girl continued on. She knew Autumn was listening, even if she wasn’t giving any sort of response. “When you don’t remember what you were, you can’t speak for yourself back then. All I know is now. All I live for is now. All I know is that now I don’t enjoy what I have to do.”

Another bend, another shift of the train, another moment of contact between skin.

“I don’t know if you’ll like it. That’s something for you to find out. And, maybe you’ll know what the past you would have thought about it all.”

“Maybe,” Autumn slouched in her seat slightly. She would probably be able to figure out what the old Autumn would have thought. “But I won’t be able to tell how I feel about it now.”

The raven-haired female softened her gaze. “We won’t know until we get there. Until then, it’s all ‘what if’s.”

The soft tapping of raindrops crashing against the window met both girls’ ears. The collision between glass and water killed the silence between them.

Autumn’s partner folded back into her original position. Elbows resting on the table, head propped up in her open palms. Her eyes drifted from Autumn to the window, unfocused but watchful.


Autumn gave a soft sigh. She let her own eyes follow where her partner was looking.

“It’s the first thing that I remember.” Her head lifted as she spoke each word, her jaw still firmly pressed against the tender flesh of her hands. “It was calming. I couldn’t even tell which ones were my own tears. It all just mixed together.”

Raising her feet from the floor, Autumn spread herself across her side of the train compartment. Her eyes were fixed upon the other being’s form.

“Raine,” the girl stated.

A moment passed by.

“What is your name?” Gray eyes darted over to meet green.


“Mm. Pleasure to meet you then, Autumn.” Raine let her eyes close once more. The curtain of black closed back over her face, hiding the girl from the world.

Lying down completely on the bench, Autumn rolled onto her back before closing her own eyes. Whatever came next would come when it came.

The train rolled onwards to Listings. The rain continued to fall. Silence fell between the two reapers once again.

[author] ruhgeenuh, [challenge] bunny tracks

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