Rating: PG
Flavors: Rocky Road #27 (bridge), Vanilla #12 (storm)
Word count: 212
From a Place Past ParadiseNotes: Mm, haven't had too much time to write lately. Hehe, DVDs suddenly decided to finally come in from the library (after over half a year of waiting in queue). I haven't really decided what to write on yet, but it was a quick write sort of thing. Probably going to expand on the character a bit over time and revise this maybe, but that's work for another day.
The sky was overcast in a mess of gray clouds. The air had a distinct dampness to it, a telltale sign of approaching rain. A girl with auburn hair leaned on the railing of an empty overpass.
Dressed in a light trench coat, she looked to the sky as if she was searching for answers. Her mouth moved slightly to form a combination of vowels and consonants, creating a silent prayer for an answer to everything she was questioning. A clap of thunder sounded in the distance, but no answer came to her mind. Not tonight, possibly not ever.
The wind was still as a quiet sigh passed the young girl’s lips. The roar of the speeding cars on the highway below the bridge consumed the noise and spat back their own, engulfing the city in a monstrous din. The vehicles were carrying people heading home, or to work, or to wherever really. All that mattered was they were heading somewhere, somewhere away from here. She was not.
A small drop of water landed on the tip of her nose; the rain was just about to start. Letting go of the metal railing, she turned in the direction of the only place that she knew was safe from the coming storm: home.