Wildberry 6 & Rhubarb 1

Aug 27, 2012 17:35

Author: Casey
Story: Nothing is Ever Easy universe, Post NIEE
Challenges: Wildberry 6 (killing time) & Rhubarb 1 (what’s the worst that could happen?)
Toppings & Extras: Caramel, Cherry (limited dialogue)
Word Count: 556
Rating: PG
Summary: Morgan’s not sure where she is or how she got there…
Notes: Morgan’s in her late 30s at this point and has two kids (9 & 11). I’m mean to her. Also, I apologize for my disappearance - I’ve been surprisingly busy. Will try and get back on the commenting (and posting) wagon soon!

Morgan’s senses returned slowly. Her head pounded and she couldn’t figure out why, although hints slowly filtered in as she became more aware of her surroundings. She forced her eyes open but found that didn’t help much. Except for a bit of light filtering through some sort of window high on the wall across from her, the room was empty. And small. Really small. Morgan sat up carefully and wiped the bits of straw she was lying on from her hands, staring at the light, not wanting to accept the obvious yet. She fingered the back of her head, able to feel the stickiness of partially dried blood. No wonder it hurt like a bitch.

She pushed herself to her feet, wobbling slightly as both her head and stomach protested the movement. As soon as the world steadied, she stepped forward, hands held out in front of her, bumping the far wall too quickly. The light was directly above her now and she reached up, able to wrap her fingers around the bars in the small, maybe foot by foot window. Testing her grip, she latched her fingers around it and then hauled herself up, climbing the door with her feet for added balance. Arms trembling a bit at the strain, she silently thanked Colin for his insistence on all around fitness and peeked out the window.

There wasn’t much to see: opposite her cell door - time to face the facts - was another presumably identical door. The torchlight was out of sight to her left and as much as she pressed her face against the bars, she couldn’t see much else - perhaps another set of cells in the same direction as the torch. To the right, everything was too shroud in shadow to make out anything.

“Mal?” she whispered as loudly as she dared without any knowledge of what was going on. How she got here was still misty at best but she knew she’d been with her husband last. On the run, if her memory was to be believed, although why she couldn’t recall at the moment. “Mal,” she tried louder but with still no response. She bit her lip but reassured herself that there was any number of logical reasons why he might not be answering.

With a release of breath, she carefully dropped back to the ground, resisting the urge to rub her throbbing head. Doing an awkward shuffling dance, Morgan got a measure of her current home - a six foot square box (give or take a few inches), a rough bed of apparently fresh if thin straw, a chamber pot and a small bowl of water. Thankfully, for the moment at least, the cell seemed reasonably dry and rat-free. Sitting back on the straw, she pulled the water bowl over and lifted it, sniffing cautiously to reassure herself it was actually water. Morgan hesitated a moment before taking a sip. If whoever had her wanted to kill her, they would have done it already. Plus, in Morgan’s experience, people who imprisoned KIN agents generally were sadistic bastards who did not make it nearly that easy. She let herself take another sip before setting the bowl down. Who knew when she’d get more.

Morgan drew her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. Now she just had to wait.

[topping] caramel, [challenge] rhubarb, [author] casey, [challenge] wildberry, [topping] cherry

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