FOTD, Passionfruit 5: Careful

Nov 19, 2011 15:48

Title: Careful
Main Story: In the Heart
Flavors, Toppings, Extras: FOTD (knavery: action or practice characteristic of a knave, a knavish act or practice.), passionfruit 5 (Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. - Friedrich von Schiller), hot fudge (sociopath!Aaron), pocky chain, malt (malt challenge: tips and tricks), chopped nuts (Sociopath AU), whipped cream (Aaron is thirteen in the first and last), fresh strawberries (an assassin bug).
Word Count: 500
Rating: PG-13.
Summary: Aaron learns to be careful.
WARNING: explicit murder, violence, and death, sociopath POV.

1) Always have a plan. It makes things much easier.

His first kill was totally unplanned. That made things... difficult.

He wasn't worried about getting caught. He was thirteen and pretty small for his age, and the dead man at his feet was at least six feet. He could claim self-defense and get acquitted by any reasonable jury. It happened to be true, but that was merely a side note.

He could still feel the knife sliding between the man's ribs, the hot gush of blood over his hands.

Hauling the body to a dumpster just sucked, that was all.


2) Scout your location first. Many a promising young person has been undone by an inconvenient camera.

Killing was addicting, and he didn't even bother to resist the pull. Still, he had no interest in getting caught. He'd be trapped, then, unable to feel that rush of power, and anyway it would break his father's heart. So he'd be careful. Very careful.

The next prospect was a girl, whose laughing mouth covered cold eyes. He'd followed her for days, was ready to take her, when he saw the camera.

He left. Fast.

He never again left location to chance.


3) Leave no traces. Do I even need to explain this one?

It seemed obvious not to leave traces. What astonished him was just how many traces there were to leave. Fingerprints, footprints, ghostly images on cameras. Hair and skin and drops of blood, DNA traces screaming out to be found. His own body would betray him, if he wasn't careful.

So he was.

Bury the bodies so they wouldn’t be found until decomposition was far advanced. Weapons into the river. Alibis carefully constructed. Gloves and hats and short haircuts.

Like his father always said, anything worth doing took effort.


4) Explore your options. Varying your style makes you harder to catch, and besides, it's more fun.

He started with knives, because they were easy to get and to use. Guns were too traceable-- he never bothered with them unless he was making a point. Blunt force could be fun.

But his real love was poisons.

So simple. So easy. So difficult to trace. A needle to the skin, a powder in a drink. Then convulsions, gasping, vomiting blood. Best of all, he could tell them what was happening, and why.

He didn't always use poison. Anticipation made it sweeter.


5) Above all, don't be stupid.

This one Aaron did not learn through personal experience, because he wasn't that stupid, but from the intense reading and research he did after that first kill. No one in particular stood out-- well, all right, maybe David Berkowitz, a fucking parking ticket?-- but they all got caught because they were stupid. Because they got sloppy.

Not him. He wouldn't get sloppy. He wouldn't get caught. He'd leave no trace, only bodies.
And when he was done, the world would be a better place.

He smiled, leaned back in his chair, and imagined the dead.

[topping] chopped nuts, [extra] malt, [topping] hot fudge, [inactive-author] bookblather, [challenge] passionfruit, [extra] fresh fruit : strawberries, [topping] whipped cream, [extra] pocky chain, [challenge] flavor of the day

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