Title: Offspring
Main Story:
In the HeartFlavors, Toppings, Extras: Cheeseburger 2 (n00b), hot fudge (Brad), malt (SC 305: and this is why I hate children), pocky, whipped cream (Ivy is a couple days old), cookie crumbs (digging a little deeper into a section of
The Idle Pleasures Of These Days).
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13 for cussing and general Brad-ness.
Summary: Brad's first impression of his child.
WARNING for use of "psychotic" as a pejorative.
God, the brat was ugly.
Brad didn't know what he'd been expecting, but it wasn't this... this.. squinty little thing with skin either wormy white or blood red, depending on whether it was screaming. What few hairs it had were red, like its bitch mother, and stood away from its head like a rooster's comb. It was toothless and smelly and threw up all the time-- it revolted him.
For fuck's sake, the brat didn't even smile yet.
"Isn't she beautiful?" Gail cooed, cradling the brat like it was something precious.
As if he didn't already know she was psychotic.