Milk Chocolate 1, Rum Raisin 2

Aug 21, 2011 23:42

Author: Marina
Story: The Dragon World
Challenge: Milk Chocolate 1 (respect), Rum Raisin 2 (father - My Treat: Reuben wants to keep Cael safe)
Toppings/Extras: Sprinkles, Malt (BTS Challenge Prize - Reuben : I mean you no harm), Pocky
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Summary: Reuben writes to Geran.
Notes: For the Dark Side Challenge, Necessary Evil. Reuben would never have done this if he hadn’t honestly believed he was saving Cael’s life in the process.

Lord Geran,

I was very sorry to hear of your father’s death. Please give my condolences to your mother and accept my congratulations on your ascension to lordship. I hope you will lead your country well.

I understand your reasoning for revoking the law. Rest assured that you have my full support in that. However, your brother has expressed a wish to stay with us for the time being, and as his guardian I feel that it is unwise to uproot him.

Your mother will likely disagree. I will discuss it with her on her next visit.

Yours respectfully,


[author] marina, [challenge] rum raisin, [topping] sprinkles, [extra] malt, [challenge] milk chocolate, [extra] pocky

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