Title: Michael
Main Story:
In the Heart -- EPIC PIRATE AUFlavors, Toppings, Extras: FOTD (purloin: to take dishonestly; steal), candy apple 6 (foot/feet),
My Treat (run fast for your mother, run fast for your father, run for your children, for your sisters and brothers), malt (Summer Challenge 401: that'll be the day that I die), chopped nuts (EPIC PIRATE AU), whipped cream (Danny is about six), pocky.
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG.
Summary: Danny only looked away for a moment.
Notes: She mentioned this in "Tellin'," if you remember that.
Michael was begging. He was a good begger. He had big eyes and a sweet face; ladies liked to give him things.
Her feet slap against the ground, dust puffing in her wake.
Danny was picking pockets. She was a good pickpocket. She had long quick fingers and a forgettable face.
Her breath comes like knives in her lungs.
She darted between people, keeping an eye on him. He stood on a stoop and held his hand out, charmingly. Then she looked away, just for a moment.
Her feet are bleeding when she falls to her knees beside him.