Title : Ohno, Nino and a Sweet Potato Author :
runatochiiRating : PG
Pairing : Ohmiya
Genre : Romance, Fluff
Word count : 341 words
Disclaimer : Ohno and Nino aren't mine. But Ohno is Nino's and Nino is Ohno's :)
Summary : Nino doesn't want to give Ohno the sweet potato.
Note : I'm back with my second ohmiya fic xD.Wait. This isn't fic, but it's a drabble. It's such a fail drabble. Inspired from Kotori-san's fanart *arigatou gozaimasu :)*. and special thanks to
iloveohmiya . I love you so much Jessa
It is so cold this month. Why wouldn't it be when it’s already December? It’s freakin’ freezing outside, but not with these two.
Ninomiya Kazunari is sitting beside Ohno Satoshi on their lovely couch inside the green room while holding a warm sweet potato in his hands. He then divides the warm sweet potato into two, and Ohno, who’s sitting just an inch away from him, glanced over the sweet potatoes. Of course Nino notices it, and he happily offers half of the sweet potato to his leader.
“Haik leader, aaaan~” Ohno obliges happily.
“Aaaaan~” Just when Ohno is about to close his mouth around it and munch on it, Nino takes back his hands along with the sweet potato and he munches it happily.
Ohno glares at him, slightly angry. He wants to eat that sweet potato so bad! Goddamn!!
“Douzo..” Nino says one more time and offers his already-bit-sweet potato to Ohno. Again, when Ohno wants to take a bite of it, Nino takes back his hand and munches on it. Worse already ate a half of that yam.
Ohno groaned angrily.
“I WANT TO EAT IT TOO!” Ohno tries to take the other half of sweet potato from Nino’s hands, but he pushes Ohno away from himself.
“A~!” Ohno winced in pain, however he doesn’t give up. “LET ME EAT IT TOO!!”
Nino again pushes Ohno, a little harder this time, until Ohno falls down from the couch. He buries his face into the couch and Nino hears that his Ohno is sobbing slightly.
He smiles gently at him.
“Here. I’ll give it to you” this time, he really gives it to him.
“How’s it? Umai?” asks Nino as Ohno munches it even though he’s still sulking.
“ift’s a bwit cowd awedy, but stiww dewicious (It’s a bit cold already, but still delicious).” says Ohno with his mouth full of sweet potato.
“sore wa yokatta” says Nino gently, while he rubs Ohno’s back lovingly.
In the end, Ohno falls asleep on Nino’s lap after eating the sweet potato.
A/N: thank you for reading my fail drabble. Once again, this is inspired from the fanarts :D
and now I'm trying to make another fic and drabble.So from now on, yoroshiku onegaishimasu~x)
and comments are always welcome ^^