Back up

Feb 18, 2013 10:41

Teen Wolf/Supernatural crossover #4

Title: Back up
Vidder: rumrouz
Fandoms: Teen Wolf, Supernatural
Pairings and Characters: Derek/Stiles, Lydia/Jackson, Allison/Scott, Chris, Victoria, Sam, Dean
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Argents call for a back up. For Winchesters.

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teen wolf, spn, video

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Comments 4

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rumrouz February 18 2013, 23:06:50 UTC
Thank you ♥
Yes, I hope! It would have been useful in vids))


citrusjava February 24 2013, 15:07:19 UTC
This is *awesome*.
I really hope this never happens.
Shows, stay at different sides of the room at all times, if you're gonna act like that!


rumrouz February 27 2013, 18:14:00 UTC
Thank you )))
Yup, it will end bloody, so let's hope Winchesters and Teen Wolf will never ever see each other ))


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rumrouz June 28 2013, 21:25:14 UTC
Thank you ♥


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