& rules

Jun 07, 2012 22:09

A rumble is an icontest similar to a LIMS but without getting voted out. Instead of voting people out every round, every participant stays until the end of a round. In every challenge you can earn points, and at the end of the round the participant with the most points wins.

rumble ramblings
+ Every Round will consist of 10 challenges.
+ To participate in the challenges, you must be signed up for the round and be a member of the community
+ Any character, tv show, movie, animation, pretty much anything can be used for each challenge though there may be a challenge that a genre may be part of that particular challenge.
+ Challenges can a include a technical element, a subject or a theme. Various mix and match opportunities could come into play to make the challenges different and challenging.
+ Missing three consecutive challenges will result in disqualification from the round. We encourage everyone to participate in as many challenges as they can and to let a mod know over at the page-a-mod if you need to drop out.

points & promotion
+ Points are awarded for each challenge. (First place = 5, Second place = 4, Third place = 3, Special Category = 2, Mod's = 1)
+ Every time you participate in a challenge you will receive 1 point, regardless of whether or not you placed.
+ Every time you vote in a challenge you will receive 1 point
+ You must vote if you entered an icon. We are not disqualifying anyone for lack of voting this round but we hope the one point voting incentive encourages everyone to vote.
+ At the beginning of each round, you can earn up to 4 points (2 points per comm) for promoting the community.
+ You can promote the community in your own journal, in your graphics journal etc. (as long as the entry is not friends only). That will give you two points each time for a total of four.
+ If you want to receive the promotion points, include the links to your promotions in a comment in the Sign Up Entry.
+ At the end of a round, there will be three winners: First place, Second place and Third place. The winning is based on the number of points received. The person with the most points wins.
+ If you don't enter an icon in challenge 1 of any round, you will be disqualified

+ Sign up to enter the challenges!
+ You can submit 1 icon per challenge
+ Each challenge will run one full week, the icons have to be submitted by Sunday
+ Do not submit OLD icons, make a new one for each challenge!
+ The icons must be of your own creation!
+ Please do not post your icons until voting has closed. If we see your icons anywhere before the voting is closed, we will have to disqualify your icon
+ Icons must fit LJ standards: 40kb in size and 100x100 pixels.
+ PLEASE read the submission rules for each challenge carefully, as they change from challenge to challenge.

+ If you entered an icon, you must vote. You get a point and the more votes, the better the results.
+ Everyone else can vote whether you are member of the community or not. We will not count anonymous votes.
+ Voting will be posted Sundays and will last 48 Hours
+ You will give four votes: 1st place, 2nd place, 3rd place and a special category
+ A reason for why you picked a vote is requested and encouraged, though not required
+ First Place (3 Points), Second Place (2 Points), Third Place (1 Point) = tally
+ Do not vote for yourself!

We hope you have fun, enjoy the flexibility and still find yourself challenged!


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