Title: The Fever, The Focus Fandom: RPFS, K-Pop, Nine Muses/SNSD Pairing: Sungah/Sunny Rating: R Notes: repost. not even going to pretend there's a plot here, i just really wanted them to hook up. AO3
Title: Baby, You Wouldn't Last a Minute on the Creek Fandom: RPFS, K-Pop, Nine Muses Pairing: Eunji/Sera Rating: PG-13 Notes: for my_winter_love because you're a champ and i hate you. AO3
Title: From Up Here the City Lights Burn (Like a Thousand Miles of Fire) Fandom: RPFS, K-Pop, After School Pairing: Lizzy/Nana(/Raina) Rating: PG-13 Notes: this is supposed to be for someone except i want to take it back because i hate what this ended up being. sorry if this isn't what you wanted, not sorry about all the tbs references. AO3
Title: Gone Her Hopes of Getting Tired Fandom: RPFS, K-Pop, Hello Venus Pairing: Alice/Ara Rating: PG-13 Notes: for the female character trope fest. prompt was marriage of convenience. AO3
Title: Amber, Ember, Glow Fandom: RPFS, K-Pop, SNSD Pairing: Jessica/Sooyoung Rating: R Notes: i. The Hyuna mentioned in this is Moon Hyuna of Nine Muses
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