NOOOOOOOO, she wazzzzz jealouzzzz 'coooooz......NONONO, the GUARD wazzzz jealoooouz 'coz he doezn hazzzz mah maaaaaaaaan.....and Kyoto IZN beautiful for him cuuuuzzzz he doezn hazzz mah maaan *NODSNODS* HAHAHAHAHA And Reita and Uha behave??? ONLY IN ZEH BED, cuz I never heard they zgreaaaming!!!! *dies laughing* HEYHEYHEY...wanna play of zoctor??????????? I'm the...pacient!!!!!
OOOOOOR, hiz noze getz bigger and thatzzz, my dear children, iz zeh reason for him to uze the nuuzband!!!!!! But itz interezzzting the fact of Uruha being the fucker.......
...........................oh......zorry......zorry, zorry....letz go back to our room, zhen.....
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm iz weird, even if he'z the taller.......becoz he'z zeh girliezt.............*nods and maons more pushing AOi to the room* hmmmmmmmyeezz, lezz go...lezz goooooo..................
YOU'RE A RUUUUUUUUUUUUDER, LUCYYYYYY!!!!!!!! Ruki, get your ass in here I have to tell you something!!!! *still laughing like mad for it* And btw, do you guys have a passion for my ass? I know he is beautiful, but you don't have to scream it, you know...*LMAO*
But itz interezzzting the fact of Uruha being the fucker.......
...........................oh......zorry......zorry, zorry....letz go back to our room, zhen.....
Ruki, get your ass in here I have to tell you something!!!! *still laughing like mad for it*
And btw, do you guys have a passion for my ass? I know he is beautiful, but you don't have to scream it, you know...*LMAO*
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