2009 Books Read Poll

Dec 27, 2009 19:56

Here's my 2009 Books Read Poll! This year I read an awful lot of young adult books, because I was taking a class in YA literature for my degree.

Anyway, standard set-up, with a check-box at the end to tell me if you've never read any of them.

Previous years' polls are here and here.
Under here! )

books, polls, reading

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Comments 14

velvetpage December 28 2009, 02:13:34 UTC
I must confess that I have not read all of "The Differentiated Classroom," but I've read a good chunk of it.


ruisseau December 28 2009, 02:15:40 UTC
Not only did I read the whole thing (and I didn't sell it back!), I also answered a detailed study question on each chapter.


velvetpage December 28 2009, 03:52:41 UTC
I've been trained on the whole thing, but that involved a two-session in-service and the powerpoint notes. :)


exapno December 28 2009, 03:40:26 UTC
I know i've read a couple Pern books, but it was quite a long time ago so i honestly don't remember which ones. Also? sleep-dep not helping :)


shanra December 28 2009, 09:07:57 UTC
Also read Dragonflight by McCaffrey at one point, but since I haven't read the other books that one doesn't get a ticky box.

Yay! The end of year book polls! ^-^


casfic December 28 2009, 10:11:55 UTC
I too have read one of the dragon books by McCaffrey but couldn't tell you which one, so it doesn't count, I guess. I do like these polls - it's interesting seeing what wide reading interests people have.


lilia_blackbear December 28 2009, 14:53:32 UTC
When making a poll, how do you by-pass the option limit?


ruisseau December 28 2009, 15:05:03 UTC
Start the poll to get the correct code for type of question and who can vote and go ahead and enter a few answers, so you can see the code format, then paste the code they give you into a regular update. Then use the tags that you see for your other options to continue your checkbox choices. I think it's < lj - pi > and < / lj - pi > (without all those spaces).

When you post the entry, LJ will assign it a poll number and it'll look like a poll. It won't look right in the preview though, so I posted it private first, so I could check for errors before publishing.


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