Hunter and Hunted Chapter 4

Sep 05, 2010 14:44

Title: Hunter and Hunted Chapter 4

Pairings: Lockdown and Devcon G1/TFA Crossover

Verse: AU but meant to take place in Animated

Rating: Pg-13 for this chapter

Warnings: Violence, mech cursing

Summery: Lockdown captures the great bounty hunter Devcon, but who has really captured whom?

Disclaimer: I don’t own Transformers, I mean, that should be obvious because if I did the episodes would be A LOT different!


Quite some time past before Devcon was visited again. With nothing better to do Devcon had fallen into a deep recharge in order to let his still damaged systems have time to repair themselves. He was rudely awakened by a rough shaking. His acing systems screamed at him, jerking him to unpleasant consciousness.

"Fraggin' knock it off!" He spat at whoever was shaking him. "My processor still fraggin' hurts!"

"Oh so sorry your majesty! I didn't mean to be so rough."

"Blow it out your exhaust." Devcon snarled as memories of the last few cycles came flooding back to him.

"My my… what a mouth you have."

Devcon sensed that there was something wrong with Lockdown's tone and the way he said that sentence but he was too tired to care.

"Get up princess. It's time to move."

"You move."

Not the greatest comeback in existence, but it seemed harsh enough for Devcon's abused psyche.

"You're getting a room upgrade so I wouldn't complain if I were you. Hey!"

Devcon felt the slap across the face without truly feeling it. The "princess" insult was more than enough to get him to turn on his optics though. He found himself, literally, face to face with Lockdown. The other bounty hunter's face was practically touching his own. Had he not been strapped down to a table Devcon would have shyed away from the closeness.

"Now that I have you attention, listen up. I'd like to do this without problems. I'm on a tight seclude here. But if you try something funny, you'll wish you hadn't woken up."

"I already wish I hadn't woken up." Devcon mumbled. "I'll pass on the upgrade. I'm comfy right here."

Devcon switched his optics off once again; content to leave things like that.

"I'm going to have to insist." Lockdown deadpanned.

The dark bounty hunter kept his hand on Devcon's shoulder while his hook hit the button to release the restraints. The reinforced steel cables quickly slithered away under the table to wait for their next victim. The tension in Lockdown's body didn't abate when Devcon still stayed motionless. Maybe he would do things the easy way after all. His whole body was no doubt still ringing from the circuit disrupter. Still, Lockdown didn't want to take any chances. Just as his hand reached into his subspace Devcon's optics brightened. The blue and red legs coiled like lightning and struck Lockdown in the abdomen, sending him sprawling to the floor. The captive bounty hunter then sprung to his feet but faltered as he stood upright. His legs where still numb and threatened to give out on him at any moment. Devcon ignored the flashing warning signs on his HUD and forced his legs to move. He didn't get too far. In the spit second it took for him to steady himself Lockdown had recovered. From the floor the dark hand grabbed hold of one of the red feet and yanked it out from under the other mech. Devcon went down hard, landing face down on the cold floor.

"Where do you think you're going?" Lockdown snarled.

Devcon hissed and tried to kick himself free as Lockdown dragged him back and placed a knee on the small of his back. The cyber ninja thrashed as Lockdown dropped down on top of him, reaching for his arms. Lockdown outweighed the smaller hunter and had the advantage as he got his hook around one red wrist and yanked it up behind Devcon's back. Devcon hissed and still thrashed as Lockdown groped for his other arm. After some undignified struggling on both their parts the dark bounty hunter finally got hold of the rebellious blue and white limb. It too was twisted behind Devcon's back where Lockdown then snapped a pair of stasis cuffs on the struggling hunter. With a jolt of specialized electricity the entirety of Devcon's systems where paralyzed, leaving him helpless once again. Lockdown stayed pressed to Devcon's back for a few unnecessary seconds.

"Get off me you ugly Con!" Devcon snarled.

"I told you I wasn't going to tolerate any slag." Lockdown said in the blue audio, a little too close for comfort. "You didn't listen."

The tattooed hunter rose to his feet, stooped, and grabbed Devcon around the middle. With quite a lot of swearing from the blue and white bot Lockdown slug him over his shoulder. The paralyzed mech flopped over like a rag doll, cursing like never before.

"Fraggin', glich riddin, slag sucking, virus infested AFT!"

"That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble someday."

"Where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere where you won't get in the way."


"Well if you want some trouble it's always welcome in my chambers."

"If you ever, EVER say anything like that again I will make you regret it!"

Lockdown snorted amused as he hauled Devcon's immobile body through the Death's Head down to the brig. The ship itself looked rather large but the inside was in fact rather small. Lockdown had stripped out all non-essential equipment to make her light on her feet. The brig only had one cell in it; clearly the dark hunter didn't take on too many prisoners to warrant extra cadges. Devcon was then dumped in the middle of the floor and left in a heap. Once Lockdown was out of the way a blue energon shield flickered into place, effectively sealing Devcon inside.

"Now be a good boy while I'm gone." Lockdown grinned.

Then he disappeared back into the creeping shadows and was gone. A moment after he was left alone the stasis cuffs on Devcon's wrists disengaged. Groaning, the completely beaten mech struggled to sit upright. After he cleared his head the cuffs restraining him where thoroughly inspected. They where the most modern incarnation that had barely hit the black market, even the Elite Guard hadn't started using them yet. Instead of a solid bar of metal connecting the two rings around the wrists, a durable metal chain linked them, proving a more flexible and harder to break system. But they weren't only tough, they were smart too. The cuffs could be linked to a bot who could then remotely control the paralyzing effects of the stasis cuffs. With nothing more than a thought the cuffs could zap their victim with any specified voltage, or even reverse the paralysis. Devcon growled at the inanimate piece of equipment as he tugged on the chain. They where escape proof. Devcon sighed as he eyed his new prison. Even if he could make it past the energon barrier of his cell, all Lockdown would have to do was think "paralyze" and he would be fraged. For a long time Devcon was left to his own devices. During that time he thoroughly inspected every inch of his cell looking for any cracks in the impenetrable defenses. He found nothing. What he could inspect of the energy barrier was just as disappointing. It appeared to be a triple redundant failsafe system with a backup power supply hooked directly into the ship.

The blue and white hunter's head jerked up when the ship began to tremble and its powerful engines roared. There came a few jumps that Devcon recognized the signs of atmospheric entry as the steady hum of the landing gears descending fill the ship. With one final lurch the ship came to a stop, the engines quickly winding down. Soon everything was quiet. With a defeated sigh Devcon slumped against the far wall.

"Pull it together mech." Devcon growled to himself.

The brightly colored hunter's shoulders wilted as he crossed his legs and put his chained hands in his lap. How was he going to get Lockdown to lower his guard, open the door and undo his restrains all at the same time?

Devcon had long since lost track of time. It felt like cycles since the ship had landed. As long as he went unbothered though Devcon didn't really care what Lockdown did or where he was. The blue and white cyber ninja had slipped into a deep meditative trace and intended to stay there. His will was teased when muffled screams floated down from above. Lockdown had apparently found someone else to occupy his time with. The screams didn't last very long but they put Devcon on edge long after they had ceased. Still longer after the silence the door to the brig opened to Devcon's back as the hunter remained seated, bound hands still in his lap.

"Miss me?" Lockdown asked as the door cycled closed behind him.

"No." Devcon replied calmly.

"Missed you too." Lockdown smiled, powering down the energy field to the single cell. "I hope you're hungry, we're dinning on the good stuff tonight."

The smaller hunter heard something being slid across the floor that taped his side before coming to rest. Slowly Devcon turned his head to see a cube of energon sitting beside him, and a grinning Lockdown leaning again the wall. He turned back to his own wall without emotion.

"Not hungry."

"You will be."

Devcon looked back over his shoulder to find Lockdown staring at him over the rim of his cube. The red optics seemed to regard him with something a little more than curiosity but a little less then obsession.

"See if your other "guest" wants it." He said in the same clam voice as before.

"He's not with us anymore."

Lockdown did nothing as Devcon once again gave him the cold shoulder.

"You're a rude dinner guest."

"I don't refuel with enemies."

"I'm not your enemy."

"I feel otherwise."

Lockdown slid down the wall to a seated position as he sipped his cube, just watching the other mech.

"If it makes you feel any better he was a Decpeticon."

"No. It does not, "make me feel better." Devcon said darkly, the first time his voice had changed tone throughout the entire conversation.

"Look," Lockdown said leaning in. "I was only contracted to stop you from interfering with mission operations. As soon as the Con's are done with whatever their doing in this sector you're free to go. I promise."

Devcon glared over his shoulder with a deep frown on his handsome face as Lockdown smiled in return.

"Promises lose their value when spoken through prison bars."

Lockdown's face lit up with admiration as he cocked his head off to the side.

"And you're a poet. You sure are full of surprises."

Devcon said nothing more to his captor as he turned away. Lockdown tried to start a conversation a few times but got no reply. Slightly frustrated at being ignored, the dark hunter stood to let himself out of the brig. He looked over his shoulder as the energon barrier went back up. Devcon didn't so much as glace back to watch him leave. Lockdown set his face in a hard glare as he left. Devcon could be as stubborn as he wanted to be, but Lockdown would break him eventually.

The next cycle Lockdown found himself outside the brig door once again. He had plenty of other things he should be doing, but he couldn't help but wonder what his prisoner was up to. Once again he was greeted by the other hunter's back. Devcon said nothing to him as Lockdown entered and powered down the shield. The cube of energon that had been left before had been moved to the front corner of the cell, completely untouched.

"Mornin' to you too." Lockdown said offhandedly.

Nonchalantly he pulled a pair of energon cubes from his subspace, took up a spot on the wall at on Devcon's side and slid a cube over to the sitting mech.

"Hungry yet?" He asked, taking a swig of the purple energy.

"No." Came the sigh of an answer.

"You'll have to eat sooner or later."

"No I don't."

"Yes you do. Might as well do it now."

"I don't have to refuel as soon as you seem to think."

Devcon slid the cube back to Lockdown's feet without even looked at the mech. The dark hunter kicked the cube away. It tumbled and rolled nosily before coming to rest next to the one from the cycle before.

"Your stubbornness doesn't impress me." Lockdown said, turning up his nose plates.

"I'm not trying to impress anyone."

"Then eat something."

"I don't feel like it."

Lockdown's lips twice before pulling back into a sneer. Devcon had set his will against him yet again. Fine, if that's how he wanted it, Lockdown would do everything in his power to subvert that will.

lockdown, transformers g1, devcon, transformers animated, lockdownxdevcon

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