Bewitching Danger

Jul 10, 2011 04:50

Title:Bewitching Danger
genre: fluff?
rating: G
Characters: Kim heechul/OC (me) XD
Length: Long-oneshot
a/n: annyeong! I'm back with this fic for Chulae's birthday~ kekekeke I gotta admit, I miss writing fics with him. XD I started writing this last July 1 and finished it on the 4th~ I promised myself I wouldn't write anymore chaptered fics for myself so once again I'm gonna make this a long one-shot, a 4-part story. Honestly I didn't expect it to be this long~ 13 pages (a special number for me related to him~ coincidence? ^_^) hehe but when I edited throughout the week, it became I've posted it before it turns into another OJ. I also color coded it~ :D
anyway, I'm gonna make another a/n later to avoid spoilers. also, this has been quite a long intro so I'll skip the summary. I'm not good with it anyway~  ^-^ hope you like it!

Bewitching Danger Part 1 Spell casted

Sherlock Holmes had sprung out and seized the intruder by the collar. The other dived down the hole, and I heard the sound of rending cloth as Jones clutched at his skirts. The light flashed upon the barrel of a revolver, but Sherlock Holmes’ hunting crop came down on the man’s wrist and the pi---

“Excuse me, is somebody else sitting here?” A guy approached, pointing the vacant seat adjacent to hers.
                Just when it was getting to the climax, why do you have to interrupt my reading?! Do you see anyone else sitting here besides me? Seriously! .
             “No.” She replied instead, despite her ranting thoughts.

“May, I?” the guy asked again gesturing to the chair with one hand, the other hand holding his tray of meal.
              “Sure.” She answered shortly. She wanted to get back to her readings right away.

“Thanks.” The guy muttered back, taking a seat. The unwelcoming vibes did not escape him but he was too hungry, the place was packed though it was way past lunch rush and so he just let it pass.

Two empty plates later and feeling a lot better; he turned to his silent table companion just as she turned another page, seemingly intent on the story.

She has short hair, way above her shoulders, almost the same length as his hair. Her eyes were hidden beyond her spectacles and her long bangs which she didn’t seem to be as bothered about as she read. Her lips would also move as if whispering some words to herself. She would at times smile or frown then her features would relax again while her eyes move frantically from page to page. She also reaches out for some French fries from time to time. It reminds him of a robot moving automatically.

He read the cover of the book, “The adventures of Sherlock Holmes.” Is it that interesting? He tried to remember that time when he encountered that book way back in his high school days as a part of their English project.

Another chapter passed while she was about to grab her drink, letting her eyes rest for bit when she noticed him watching her.

“What?” she raised an eyebrow at him. It was also the first time she had taken a proper look at him. She tried hard to keep herself from blinking or from tucking a hair strand from her face, a typical almost unconscious gesture of any girl when seeing a guy like him. She somehow succeeded.

“Nothing.” He hastily averted his gaze back to his dessert. A now melted ice cream sundae. He was unaware of what he was doing that he couldn’t think of any excuse either.

Upon seeing his ice cream, she turned to her watermelon sprite float which was also melting at the moment. They both attended to their melting desserts for a while.

After sometime, he felt her staring at him but when he stole a glance; she was actually looking at the space just above his head. He followed her and looked up, finding nothing unusual he turned back to her but by then she had already buried her face back in her book.

Did she see a ghost or something? Or maybe she could see my lifespan just like in Deathnote, what was it called again? Eye --- something… he mused. His thoughts must’ve shown in his face because when he came to be, he caught her eyes at him before she quickly shifted them back to her book, with a smirk forming on her lips. Was she just fooling around with me?

He wasn’t able to ask because her phone rang and she was packing her things after reading the message. And with that, she stood and left without so much as a goodbye. Not that there was really any reason to do so but…

He expected or even willed her to look back as his gaze followed her but she didn’t. She kept going until he could see her no more. He shook his head, and took out his pocket mirror. He turned from side to side, up and down as he examined his reflection.

Hmm…Am I not as good-looking as I used to today? He flicked his hair. Nothing seems to be wrong, in fact, I’m as handsome as ever. He flashed a smile at himself. That girl must have ruined her eyes from too much reading. He said to himself and simply shrugged it off.

She walked as fast as she could. Drats, I almost forgot. I’m gonna be late at this rate. What’s up with that guy? She slowed her paced when she got nearer to her destination. Well, he wasn’t so bad, I guess. She stifled her laughter as she thought back. Pabo. I feel better already.

Part 2 Danger, watch out!

“Favor, can you bring these to table 10? I really have to go.”

“Go where? “

“To the toilet! Hurry please.”

“Oh, okay.” She pocketed the DS she was playing with and received the tray of meals being handed to her by her co worker.

“Let’s see…Table 10, is it?” She scanned the entire café, counting the tables one by one. “Ah, there it is.” She locked her eyes on a table a few feet from the window where the single occupant was obscured by a laptop.

“One cappuccino and Ice cream waffle, sire.” She started placing the order one after the other.

“Yes, thank---“ he stopped short upon seeing her serving. She also turned to him, puzzled at his reaction.

She cocked her head to one side as if thinking hard then her eyes moved slowly and steadied her gaze just above his head.

I’m not falling for that again. He told himself. He focused instead to what she was wearing.

One thing that attracted him about that café in the first place when he casually passed by that day was the unique royal treatment to their customers. Just like how she called him, Guys would be called Sire while Girls are called My Lady. Along that, are the somewhat medieval uniforms the servers are wearing.

She was wearing a long-sleeved turtle-neck sapphire blue dress with a ribbon on her neck and a frilly white apron. Unlike the traditional maids-in-waiting, their clothes are shorter for ease of movement matched with pearly white stockings and black doll shoes. On her head was a simple flower clip that kept her bangs in place. The accessories she was wearing were the same as when she first saw her, a cute silver antique style key hanging loosely on her neck just below the ribbon and a pair of unmatched cross-shaped earrings. One was a stud while the other was a dangling one.
                  I’m starting to like this place more and more.

“If there’s nothing more I can do for you, Sire, I’ll be excusing myself.” She bowed curtly then turned and left. She had noticed his stare and disliked his examining look.

He tried to will her to turn and look back at him but she still didn’t. That doesn’t work at all. He grumbled as he shoved some waffle on his mouth.

It was delicious.

They’re all the same. She was compelled, due to curiosity perhaps, to look back at him. I mustn’t. She felt the DS in her pocket, clutched it tight and continued walking away without looking back.

When he needed to leave, he went to the counter and casually looked for her. He found her sitting in a corner of the staff’s lounge, playing with a DS. She gave the same feeling from when she was reading the book.

First, the book then now, a video game… How could those compete with my beauty? He shook his head. But for the next couple of days, she kept seeing him at the café, always with his laptop. He’s frequented the place so much that he had tasted everything on their menu and possibly sat on every table available.

If luck was at his side, she would be the one serving him but, mostly, if she could help it, it was someone else. And whenever that happens, the same scenario would take place between the two of them to the point that it had become some sort of routine.

That particular day, while she was serving him, he finally got the guts to ask her something that’s been bugging him.

“Can I ask you something?” he started just as she placed his orders. It certainly helped that he wasn’t staring anymore.

You’re asking already. She thought but he is a customer so she was obliged to be polite. “Yes, if you also answer my question.” She said instead.

“Deal.” He was a bit surprised to find out that she had been curious about him on something.

“Ladies first.” He offered.

She took a deep breath before asking, “Is there any particular reason as to why you keep coming back here? Call it a customer assessment if you want.”

He chuckled before answering, “Well, first, the food here is really delicious, the wifi connection is fast, the atmosphere suit my work well and most of all, the service is great, especially with you around.”

With that last comment, he noticed her gaze had automatically shifted to that annoying space just above his head.

“Now, my turn, just what is it that you’re looking at right now?”

Her eyes fluttered before returning his gaze. She seems to be examining every feature of his face. He found it rather awkward but he managed to keep his eyes steady on her as he waited for her response.

Just then, that all too familiar smirk formed on her lips. “There’s a ‘Danger’ sign in neon lights with an arrow pointing towards you.” She stated simply without batting an eyelash.

“Huh?” he wondered whether he heard correctly. Just then, his phone rang. Her eyes landed on his phone, urging him to answer it.

“Enjoy your meal, Sire.” She curtsied and left while he was taking the call.

Aish~ you’re not getting off easily. He thought as he watched her retreating figure.

Part 3 Spell rebounded

The next morning during class…

“Alright everyone, we have a guest speaker today. He’s a young computer engineer also, a former student of mine and he will be talking about a new program he has developed. Now, before he comes in, I just want o remind you all, that you’re university students, seniors at that and therefore should behave accordingly. Understand?” the professor said.

“Yes, sir!”

“Very well, help me welcome Mr. Kim.” The professor gestured towards the door where a man bringing a laptop came in.

She had been cramming for the test they were to have that morning and had only looked up when she heard her female classmates jittering.

She was utterly surprised to see the identity of the guest speaker.

“Good morning! Thank you, professor.” The guest bowed. “Hello, Everyone, Kim Heechul here.” He bowed and waved. He looked around at all the eager faces looking at him especially the girls except for one who he can’t see very well behind the computer monitor.

She had never been so thankful for the presence of the computer monitor, that way, she wouldn’t be seen easily. No wonder he keeps working on that laptop. Guess, you can never judge a book by its cover.

“As professor said, I will be speaking about a program I’ve developed but before we start, I’d like to give a simple exercise. Now, do you see that egg icon in your desktop?” most heads nodded, “Kindly click it.”

An egg? She scanned her desktop. Oh, there is an egg. Didn’t notice that before. Click. What is this
supposed to be?

“You see all that flying and bouncing objects in your screen?” The guest continued.

“Yes. What is it for? Some sort of virus? Or bug?” a male student ventured.

“In a sense, yes. It won’t disappear and you won’t be able to open any program besides the main ones installed via factory settings unless you clear it.” He paused to observe any reactions. “Oh and one more thing, you can only open one more window.”

“What do we have to do?” another student asked.

“Simply type in your answer on the password box found below those moving objects. And the first one to crack it will have a free luxury lunch.” The guest announced giving rise to a couple of cheers from the crowd. “You may begin solving now.”

Oh, so I just have to count these things and that’s it? This ought to be fun. She started clicking and typing.

“Are you gonna be having lunch with us?” some group of female students asked flirtatiously.

“For girls, an added bonus then.” He flashed them a smile and the girls squealed.

“How do we count all of these things? They’re moving so much all over the screen!” he heard some of them complained.

“That’s the whole point of the test.”

Just then a loud trumpet sound erupted. What in the world…? As soon as she pressed ‘enter after typing the password, a huge congratulatory banner popped up along with that disturbing sound but the sound did not come from her computer. She looked around and found him going and looking at his laptop. He seems to be both surprised and amused.

“Game over. We have a winner.” He announced.


“Who is it?”

Oh no! It can’t be. She thought frantically as she watched the triumphant egg-cartoon on her screen.

“Seat no.22” he read aloud from his laptop and looked around.

Everyone turned to her direction.

She pretended not to hear and kept herself behind the monitor but her professor intervened.

“Who’s that in seat no. 22? Please stand.” The professor urged. So with shaking knees, she slowly stood… head down.

“Oh, it’s you, Ms. Chen. Please come up front.” The professor instructed.

She felt like her legs were made of lead as she walked towards the front and stopped in front of him and the professor. She could sense everyone’s eyes at her. It was the longest walk she took ever. Some pat her back as she passed by.

He felt his heart pounding with every step she took nearer to him. Her short hair couldn’t hide her face that much. She’s also still wearing that key around her neck which made him more certain that it was her. That explains why you were hiding.

“What’s wrong? You don’t look like you won. Here, introduce yourself.” The professor stepped aside.

She had no choice but to look up at him. “I’m Chen Rui Lian, sire--- I mean, sir.” She tugged at her pendant nervously.

As much as his heart was pounding so hard earlier, he felt it stop abruptly when her eyes locked on his. Finally. Your name… He extended his hand. Why am I trembling?

She took it and felt his trembling hand. You’re nervous? That’s a first.

“Hey, doesn’t it look like a wedding ceremony?” a guy teased and everybody joined in. For a quiet student like her to be the center of attention is a first.

“Yeah, and the professor would be the priest.” Another chimed in.

They quickly released each other’s hand.

“Alright, that’s enough now.” The professor raised his hand to calm the class. “I now pronounce you man and wife~”

The whole class burst into laughter.

She wished she had a remote to open up the floor and swallow her up.

He laughed along though awkwardly. I’m dead later.

“Seriously now, silence everyone.” The professor turned to her. “Ms. Chen if you will, please tell the class how you cracked the password this fast.”

“Erm… I used ‘Print screen’ from my keyboard, opened ‘paint’ and pasted it there.” She explained softly. “That’s how I tallied the number of objects and use the numbers to crack the code.”

“Very well done.” The professor started clapping and everyone followed suit. “Thank you, Ms. Chen, you may go back to your seat.”

She bowed and made her way back.

“Now, Mr. Kim?” the professor turned to him.

“Huh?” he asked startled. He was watching her again till she hid behind her computer monitor once more.

“The lecture?” the professor asked.

“Oh yes. Umm…here we have the…” He began his lecture, getting back his composure and somehow managing to end it well but once the class ended, the professor asked for a minute to talk to him and by the time he came back to the classroom, she had gone.

Later that afternoon, he found her working at the café like always just that, she seemed more distant towards him than ever.

“Ms. Chen, can I have another cup of tea please.” He asked as she passed by. He thought she didn’t hear him but she came back not long after, with his tea.

“You’re tea sire.”

He caught a glimpse of her DS sticking out from her pocket. Two initials were engraved on the corner. K. N.? but isn’t her name Rui Chen?

When she caught him looking at her pocket, she hastily tucked the DS back in and bowed curtly before leaving.

That night, she had just got out from the café after work. She saw a stranger who was about to approach her but he made a beeline and went the other way when he got nearer. Puzzled, she looked around and found Heechul standing right behind her.

He had waited for her and saw that stranger lingering around. He had seen that person before at the café, eyeing her out. When he saw the stranger approached her, he stood behind her and threw glaring daggers at the person.

“You. I see, why that person ran away.” She said as he stepped beside her.

“Yeah, he probably saw the danger sign on top of my head.” He kidded.

“Right, so I better scamper now too, before…” she turned to leave but he caught her arm.

“Not so fast.”


“I believe I owe you a meal.”

“It was lunch.”

“Ha! so you do remember. Dinner then but if you also want to have lunch with me, that’s fine too.”

She rolled her eyes. Unbelievable. She was about to refuse once again when her tummy grumbled.

“Perfect. Let’s go.” He led her off and she let herself be dragged by him.


"No, Kidnapper."

At dinner, over lasagna and pizza…

“Can I ask you something?” he started.

“No.” she answered shortly.

“Still sulking about this morning?”

“I am not.”

“Yeah, you are but I really was surprised myself to see you there and much more, to know that you’re pretty good when it comes to computer stuff. Have you tried that before?”

“I like hacking but only for the sake of the challenge. Once I’ve managed to crack the code, I leave it as it is.”

“So you’re only doing it for fun?”

“You can say that.”

“You certainly don’t look like it.”

“What hacker would make herself obvious?”


They paused to enjoy their meal, occasionally talking about computer stuff.

“Can I ask what K N mean?” he asked after dinner while walking towards the bus stop.

“It’s none of your business.” She almost stumbled on her own foot.

“That reaction… could it be a past love?”

“So what if it is? You ask too much.” she stopped in her tracks.

“If it still isn’t so obvious, I like you. Isn’t it only natural to be curious about the one you like?” He turned to her.

“Don’t.” she walked past him.

“Too late.” He matched her pace.

“What do you like about me?”

“Everything, from the way you look when your reading your book or playing intently on your DS, your retreating back, the way you stare at that space above my head, the way you talk back, how you crack codes, the way you’re looking at me right now.” They stopped again.

“What about those made you like me? It sounds like I’m a witch. That’s why most people avoid me.” She turned away and resumed walking.

“Ah, that explains it.” He walked beside her.

“Explain what?”

“I’m under your spell.”

“Ha! You don’t call that spell. It’s more like being cursed.”

“Why, when you fell for that K N guy, did you feel like you were cursed?”

She was unable to respond. She doesn’t know what to say to that.

It was when they’ve arrived on the bus stop that he decided to break the silence.

“I think, it’s alright to have those feelings... Having a broken heart, it means you have tried for something. I mean, you can’t keep on running away from it ‘cause it will only continue to chase after you. Send him some love and light every time you think about him then drop it. If you confront it, it will become an old memory, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” Then he chuckled, “I’m just quoting some lines here but I do think the same way.”

What this guy is saying actually makes some sense. She thought as she pondered on what he said then the bus arrived.

“Sorry, if I said too much.” He pulled her for a hug. “Promise you won’t cry when you go home tonight.” He kissed her forehead when she nodded.

Once more, he watched her back as she went towards the bus door.

“I knew it. That danger sign wasn’t there for nothing.” She turned to him before getting on the bus.

You finally looked back. He looked on until the bus left. Kim Heechul, You fell too deep this time. he sighed as he told himself off.

Part 4 Curse lifted

The following afternoon at the café…

He looked quizzically as she passed by him. Ignoring me again today, huh. He sighed. And here I thought things were finally going somewhere between us. He shook his head. Well, at least it seems you kept your promise. Your eyes seem okay.

“I swear, if you stare any longer, I’d…” she said as she came back with his favorite treats and placed it on the table.

“You’d what?” he smiled mischievously.

“Enjoy your meal sire~” she said flaccidly ignoring his remark.

“But I didn’t order anything.”

“I don’t like being indebted to guys with danger signs on their heads.” She smiled sarcastically.

“You forgot to add ‘bewitched’.” He smiled back.

“Then I’ll lift the curse off you.”


“I move my ears, like this.” She willed her ears to move and it did, like it used to.

“Wow, maybe you are a witch. How do you move your ears without touching it?” he stood to take a closer look.  “oh, you can make them turn red as well?”

She covered her ear with her hand. Too close!

“Just eat why don’t you.” She retorted. “Then go home.”

“Home is where you’re happiest. I’m home.” He leaned back on his chair seemingly relaxed.

She clutched the tray dangerously. He looked at the tray as if it’s a weapon ready to strike at him but she turned and left without another word.

“Thanks!” he called back after her both for the treat and for not hitting him.

She looked back and poked her tongue out.

Nevertheless, you still looked back again. He smiled triumphantly. Ah~ Ice cream waffle has never tasted this good. He devoured one spoonful after another.

“When have you started going out with him?” her coworkers interrogated when she came back to the counter. “That was a sweet kiss!”

“What do you mean kiss?” she asked indignantly.

“We saw it, he stood and kissed your cheek.”

“He did not.”

“Why are you denying it?”

“I am not.”

“See, you’re doing it again.”

“I’m telling you, he was just looking at my ear.” Okay, that sounds weirder than the kiss.


“Forget it.” She stomped off and distracted herself with her DS. That danger sign was flickering…

The next day, he didn’t show up and the following days after that, ‘til 2 weeks has passed with no sign of him.

“Hi, have you seen Rui?” he asked as came up the counter one late afternoon.

“Finally showing up huh. She’s on the rooftop probably sulking because of your absence.” The cashier laughed.

“Thanks. By the way, do you have her number?”

“No problem, sire. Yeah. Oh and Good luck.”

“I’m gonna need it.” He muttered as he reached for his phone and dialed her number.

“Hello?” he said when he got thru.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me.”

“Yeah, I know a lot of ‘me’… call back when you have a name.”

“Wait! It’s Heechul. Wow, you are sulking just as they said. Hello?”

She had dropped the call so he tried again as he made his way up the stairs.

“What? If you called just to annoy me, buzz off.”

“I missed that annoyed tone.”

“I hate you.”

“I love you.” he had pictured saying that to her rather differently but the feelings welled-up when he heard her voice again that the words spontaneously came out.

Choke on that why don’t you .She dropped the call again.  Despite that, she got that warm overwhelming feeling.

Well, third time’s the charm. He called again just as he reached the rooftop landing.

“I still hate you.”

“I still love you and please don’t drop the call anymore.”

“Why? I thought you love everything about me.” she tested.

“I do.” he can't help but smile. So you have been thinking about me.

“Why did you call?”

“Where are you?” he was glad she actually did not keep on dropping the call anymore.

“None of your business.” she spat.

Aish~  “I know you’re probably mad at me for disappearing---“

“No, I’m not. I don’t care whether you disappear or whatever. Leave me alone.”

“I think you love me too.”


“What else could it be?”

“You’re an idiot!” she yelled. “yet I found you completely charming” she added really softly. “and now I hate you.” Her voice returned to normal.

"Yup, it’s love. I heard every bit.” He finally found her, leaning by the fence, her back towards him. Once he saw her, he was suddenly at a loss on what to do next.

This time she didn’t respond but she sounded like she’s crying.

“I’m sorry.” was all he could say as he watch her brush off a tear from her eyes.

“You should be.” She sniffed.

“I didn’t mean to disappear like that. Well, at first, I thought how absence makes the heart grow fonder” he admitted "but then work kept coming up and my absence extended far longer than I intended.”

“I thought something bad happened to you.”

“What made you think that?” he asked a bit surprised.

“Well, I dreamt about you…” she admitted.

“You did?” he asked, his spirits lifting.

“Yeah you kept going beyond the danger signs then you fell off the cliff.” She finished.

“Oh… “ his high spirit blowing off. “Well, I’m still alive and am talking to you so please don’t cry.” He started walking towards her.

“Isn’t there a spell to stop myself from crying?”

“Um..I’m not a witch or a wizard, I’m just a guy with a danger sign on top of my head but…”

She had to smile with that then she thought the voice sounded near. She turned around and found him standing a few steps from her. Her tears doubled up. He took the remaining steps towards her and wiped her tears from her cheeks as he kissed her lips.

After a while, she looked up at him and into that space just above his head.

“What’s up?” he smiled, noting the familiar gesture.

“The danger sign… it short circuited.” She grinned.

“Maybe becaused you bewitched it.” He laughed as he tucked her hair behind her ears.

“Maybe I did.” She moved her ears and smiled proudly. She removed the key necklace she had on her neck and placed it over his head. “Here. Take care of it.”

“I will. I won’t let you take it back.” he held the key close to his heart.

"I won't give it you again if ever you do." that's the final key to all the locks I've placed in my heart. It's okay if I entrust it again isn't it?

It was sunset by then and they stood together in awe of the view.

“It’s beautiful.” He whispered.

“Yeah, there’s beauty in goodbye.” She added.


“Yeah, this fic is getting far longer for a one-shot already." She winked. "Oh and by the way, Happy birthday!” ^^


A/n:  you read it already? :D How was it? hehe and yeah, this is kind of what EPL, bewitched, boyfriend, coffee friend, anime and some other stuff, did to me...nothing beats a good 'ol inspiration~ all in all, i had fun, accompanied with nostalgia as I wrote this~ XD and i think it would have gone longer if I hadn't stopped myself. It was basically a combi as well as a recap about a bunch of stuff~that computer class part just came randomly XD while I was surfing the net...yeah, I think it's cheesy too~ X>
Do tell me what you think of it ne~
I'm not really sure what to feel after this fic~ I also hinted K N.. you can guess easily who that is~ :D
P.S. Ei, fangirls, yeah, Chulae's fangirls --->  my cousins and friends who loves him more than me and no, i'm not sulking no, not at all this is for you gals~ thanks for being ultra super supportive of ChuLian~ ^^♥
and of course
Saeng-il chukka hamnida Cinderella-Dawn-Heedictator-Chulae ♥ oppa! >__<

fic: bewitching danger, genre; fluff, characters: heechul/pc, intro, rating: g, band: super junior, heechul/oc

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