Персидские миниатюры из коллекции Тегеранского музея современного искусства

May 29, 2012 10:32

And here are some weirdly kinetic fortification walls.

The swirling vortex of extruded geology. The stage for a battle scene or a weaponized terrestrial tsunami?

One wonders if 16th century Persian painters understood the physics of General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics, since they undoubtedly display a mastery of the multi-temporal and the multi-spatial in this miniature.

This, of the ascension of Prophet Mohammad, is beyond compare.

This is absolutely beautiful!

One detail I quite like is the animal leaping off the landscape. Perhaps the landscape continues on in the next page, but I like to think that it is trying to escape off the miniature and off the page and even off the book altogether into the white voidscape of our digital webpage, into the safe precincts of Pruned.

In any case, all these miniatures are mind-bogglingly gorgeous!

Взял отсюда: http://pruned.blogspot.com/2010/10/earth-scything-its-way-across-persian.html

Про искусство, Графика

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