Title: Going For The Look
Fandom: Community
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance
Characters/Pairings: Jeff/Annie, Troy/Britta, mentions of Abed/Annie
Spoilers: Up to the end of S2
Summary: Jeff is going for the ‘Han Solo’ look during their third year Halloween Party. Annie calls him out on it.
A/N: This was written for a Ficcy Friday prompt on Milady/Milord, from
rozicanuti . ‘Halloween comes. Jeff is dressed as Han Solo, because he knows he'll be better than Abed and wants to prove it.’ This part is PG-13 rated (I know, shocker!). There may be a next part, though, which won’t be.
A/N 2: Points to anyone who can tell who Troy and Abed have become at the end.
“What do you think?” Troy jumped out of Britta’s car and struck a pose.
“Aren’t those your pajamas?” Jeff glanced up from his phone, and just raised an eyebrow at Troy’s Spiderman costume.
“No! I got this from the costume store on fifth.”
“And what are you supposed to be?” Jeff turned to look at Britta, and suppressed a laugh. She was covered head to toe in puffed up shiny red plastic. Even her hands were giant pincers.
“I’m a lobster!”
“Or its lunch, I’m undecided.” Troy confided in Jeff, who again tried not to laugh.
Noticing Britta’s non-reaction, Jeff lowered his voice just a little, “It’ll be hard to cook and clean in that, won’t it?”
No response.
“So you can’t hear, huh?” He said, louder, and she shook her head, “Why a lobster?”
Bad idea.
“There’ll be none left in twenty years, with over-fishing and the depletion of their natural habitats and…” To be honest, Jeff drowned her out after that, turning to Troy, and realising that, as well as hearing, peripheral vision was lost with this get-up.
“Isn’t this a bit of a rip-off off Abed from first year? The popular superhero thing?”
Troy just laughed at him, then stopped seeing Jeff’s nonplussed expression, “What? You’re serious?”
“Yeah…” The eyebrow raised again.
“Seriously? Han?” He looked over Jeff’s tailored Han Solo costume, and laughed again, “If we both came as Abed this year… at least mine’s not that obvious.”
“What? It’s a role I have the obvious right to.”
“Right, good luck with that.”
Jeff missed the Troy he’d known last year, before he and Britta had started dating. Somehow, she made him less ridiculous and more perceptive.
“Annie coming?” Jeff looked back at his phone, the picture of casual.
“Yeah, Abed brought her, didn’t he?” Troy turned to Britta, who’d stopped talking about the lobsters and was now trying to adjust her headpiece.
“Annie came with Abed?” He raised his voice.
“Oh, yeah,” she turned to Jeff, “He said something about getting it right or filling the part… I couldn’t hear properly.”
Troy took Britta’s claw, and pulled her inside, leaving Jeff to follow along behind.
When they reached the gym, kitted out for Halloween, Troy turned back to Jeff, “They’re here already.” He pointed to Annie and Abed, on the dance floor, dancing like a couple from the fifties. Jeff watched for a moment as Annie’s pale yellow dress flared and dipped as Abed spun her around, dressed as John Travolta in Grease.
He was stood by the punch bowl, playing Angry Birds on his phone, when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
“Hey, Jeff, I didn’t know you were coming!” Annie’s face was flushed from dancing, her eyes bright.
“Yeah, kind of a tradition now.”
“Couldn’t get a date, huh?” She teased, helping herself to punch and leaning next to him.
“I see that you did.” He kept his eyes straight ahead, cool and detached.
“Abed wanted to do Grease, and this dress was on sale.” She shrugged.
“It seems a bit cheesy for him. How the mighty have fallen.”
“It’s a classic for a reason!”
“I just thought he had better sense, that’s all.”
“Wow, petty much.” They descended into an awkward silence.
“You guys like dressing up, don’t you?” He tried, he really did, not to stray from cool to cold, from detached to bitter.
She sounded offended, and he knew he’d failed, “You know it’s how he relates to people. If I can help a friend, I will.” He looked down at her, apologetic, and she softened, “He wanted to do the School Dance, you know? Neither of us got asked much in High School. Or college, for that matter.”
“Why aren’t you with him now, then?”
“He found Troy, they went off to change into matching costumes.”
“Speaking of which, what’re you supposed to be?”
“I was going for… Han Solo?” He watched her eyes widen then narrow.
“Huh, what? Nothing.”
“Reading into things my ass…” She muttered, almost inaudibly over the music. She smirked, “You get sick of being Admiral Ackbar during paintball, then?”
“What?” he nearly coughed up his drink.
“Well, if the lobster-face fits…”
“Britta’s the lobster! And I would have been Han in the war if Abed hadn’t stolen it first.” He muttered this last, and saw her choke back a giggle.
“And here I thought Jeff Winger was above petty jealousy. Anyway, you wouldn’t have had a Leia.”
“I thought you were Leia.” He’d caught her - and himself - off-guard.
“What?” she squeaked, then regained her normal voice, “Um, yeah, I guess. Since Abed was Han and we were trapped together.”
“Why’d you decide to be Han, anyway?”
“Because I am Han! Abed can be Luke, I’m Han-freaking-Solo! Why can no-one see that!” He sighed, caught out and cut loose, “I’m just better at it than he is.”
“As the single qualified party, I can deny that.” Annie smiled, secretly, at her feet, and Jeff frowned.
She looked up at him, calmly, “As the one person who’s seen both… impressions, Abed was better, sorry.”
A dam broke, and Jeff, knowing what a stupid, petty thing this was to get all upset over, still felt righteous fury rush through him. He finally faced her, and the smug smirk on her lips just enraged him further. He was expecting a great argument or at least a cutting insult to come out, but surprised even himself by saying, “We’ll just see about that.”
He grabbed her shoulders, and pressed his lips against hers, swallowing her little squeak of surprise and feeling her arms wrap around his shoulders automatically, his hands resting on her hips.
He’d had an unfair trial last time. Their first kiss was a surprise, and she’d stopped it before he’d gotten started. The second time, he realised he was sticking his tongue in a teenager, as Britta’d put it, and run for the hills within minutes.
Now, she was twenty, and his credentials as Han to her Leia were in question, and there was no reason to hold back. So he kissed her as thoroughly as he could, drinking her in, pressing her as closely against him as was physically possible.
Finally, needing air, he pulled away, and surveyed the effects. Her cheeks were a deep pink, her lips swollen and her eyes still half closed. “See? I win.”
“Uhh… yeah, okay.” she nodded, trying to gain some form of coherent thought back, “You win.” Then she frowned, the foggy Jeff-Winger-Just-Kissed-Me haze clearing, and she shook her head, “No, you’re still a loser.”
“What? How?”
“You own a Han Solo costume!” She giggled, no longer containing it.
“No! I bought it!”
“Right, so you bought a Han Solo costume especially for a Community College Halloween party… to which you didn’t have a date… and you’re mocking Abed?”
“No - I - I just…” He sighed, and lowered his head in defeat, “Dance with me?”
He held out his hand, and she took it unthinkingly. He pulled her onto the dancefloor, as a slow song started, and swayed them to the beat.
“So does this mean I win?” She looked up, smiling.
“Yes, you win, you have a date and I came alone.”
“Abed’s not my date.” She frowned, surprised, “He wanted to try the school dance-slash-greaser thing, but we’re not… like that.”
“Oh, right.” He nodded, “Good. I didn’t like the idea of stealing his girlfriend.”
“You didn’t steal me. I caught you.” She corrected.
“No, this is an abduction of heinous proportions.” He grinned down at her, “Beautiful girl, age-inappropriate, roguishly handsome bad guy… the whole deal.”
“Damn. I was Little Red Riding Hood last year. Much more appropriate.” She sighed, and rested her head on his shoulder. “He actually sent me over to talk to you. Something about loose ends or will they won’t they or something.”
Ignoring, for the moment, the wonderful warm feeling that stole over him, Jeff glanced about, suspicious, and found Abed, now dressed in a long black leather duster and slick blonde wig, watching him and Annie from the buffet table. Troy, in a shorter leather coat, his hair spiked with more gel than could be possible for one hairstyle, brooded in an un-Troy-like fashion off to the side.
It was Abed’s over-the-top wink that alarmed Jeff. When did Abed start shipping us?