Fic: Cages and Keys (Part 3 of Skeptics and True Believers)

Apr 04, 2012 22:02

Title: Cages and Keys (Part 3 of Skeptics and True Believers)
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Emma Swan/Jefferson, Mr Gold and Mary Margaret in this chapter
Summary: Emma comes home, the night after she and Mary Margaret are kidnapped, to find Jefferson sat on her sofa. They now have a problem: he keeps being pulled back there.

Chapter 1: Like BitesRead more... )

jefferson, angst, multi-chapter, fic, mad hatter, romance, family, mad swan, once upon a time, emma swan, skeptics and true believers, friendship

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Comments 7

gilove2dance April 4 2012, 23:31:55 UTC
I could just see the betrayal play across Jefferson's face when she put him in handcuffs. AND THE TWIST WITH RUMPELSTILTSKIN AND THE DEAL! *GASP* I LOVE IT! And their interaction (Emma and Jefferson that is) at the end was so wonderful the hand holding!!! GAH! So awesome ^__^ Can't wait for more!!!


randombattlecry April 5 2012, 00:01:36 UTC
I am enjoying this story so much! (I love one-shots, too, but there really aren't enough good multi-chapters for this ship out there.) And I love Jefferson's interaction with Gold.


litlover12 April 5 2012, 00:15:49 UTC
So good!!


redbrunja April 6 2012, 06:09:31 UTC
Jefferson feels the madness recede slowly, feels the Curse re-exert itself. He’s started to appreciate the pull it has on his mind, the way it drags him into something resembling stability. This Curse will not abide instabilities; will not cope well with disruptions in the order of things.

A madman, running around Regina’s pretty little town raving about magic hats and lost children would certainly cause some issues there. The Curse’s solution is simply to correct the problem: to make him not mad.

It’s only Wonderland, its tendrils wrapped like vines around his mind, thorns digging into sensitive spots, that keeps his memory intact.

I really love this description; it makes sense and it's very well-drawn.


tenshinrtaiga April 6 2012, 16:36:15 UTC
love it :) Can't wait to see what happens next.

On a side note, you might want to go back and edit your previous posts so that if someone was reading it, they can just click ahead. It was kind of bothersome to have to continually go back in order to find the next chapter.


rufeepeach April 6 2012, 16:49:49 UTC
Thanks :)

Sorry, it should be all fixed now. It has its own tag now, as well, so you can find all the chapters in one place.

( is part 4, in case you couldn't find it :))


tenshinrtaiga April 6 2012, 16:57:06 UTC
I didn't see that, no! Thanks :)


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