Title: The King and Queen of Lost Things
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, Humor, AU I suppose, Fluff
Summary: Post-Storybrooke, Rumplestiltskin and Belle are left to clean up the mess left behind after the curse breaks.
I filled a few Tumblr prompts with this one:
Cyprith prompted: ‘fishing poles and ancient fly paper’
This week’s special attacks prompt: ‘
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Comments 13
It's very intriguing, how he goes back and forth between being Rumpel and Gold.
And the scene with him and Belle is delightful, of course. This is one of my favorite post-Curse fics I've found.
Also I ask myself too if all the other characters will appear to search for their missing things...
In my head, those are all the things no one wants anymore, like broken teacups and lost socks. Stuff no one looks for. Then again, I hunt for socks all the time, so...
I just wanted to thank you an insane amount for reading and commenting on nearly every single Rumbelle fic on my journal! You are incredible, and deserve a medal or something!
Also I hunt for socks too... or missing books or cds or dvds or... yes I often lose things. >.
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