The pic isn't so good, Mati doesn't even look at the camera, but yeah. The article is very condensed by the right ideas are there.
I will translate it for you, [my thoughts between brackets]
"Ruchel", 23, Mytown (my postal code), mother of Mathilde, 1 year
Force myself to work to look normal?
Many people say housewives are submitted to their husband. It's the cliché of the wife who brings the beer [I don't remember saying that, but something similar probably]. Here, the housework is 50/50; David, Mathilde's father, cooks better than I do [actually I don't cook]. And if one day I decide to work, he will support me. We are very pious and and attached to the family as the core of the community. We want 5 or 6 children, that's why I started early! I got married young, at 21. It won't prevent me from getting my English master.
I always get comments like "A clever girl like you, you can't stay home". I won't force myself to work to look normal. The interest of feminism is to do what you want. We should concentrate on important things, like the difference between how men and women are paid.
The other interviewed housewives are a middle 30's who stopped a management carrier and is judged for that and searches for a job without enthusiasm, a late 20's whose father was already a stay at home dad and whose husband works and helps at home (she says it's hard to be a mom and harder even to be pregnant and wants people to know it, and enjoys her 3 yrs maternity leave before going back to work), another late 20's who stopped working because she was the smaller salary but her husband would have stopped if it was the contrary (she regrets the lack of intellectual challenge and being alone/without adults so she'll get a job soon).
All agreed with similar working time, housework and childcare needs to be 50/50.