Title: Apropos of Nothing (1/1)
Pairing: Robert Downey Jr./Jude Law (heresay about RDJ/Jake Gyllenhaal o.O)
Genre: Romance/humor
Rating: R (at most)
Warning: Language, mush, fluff, real-person slash
Disclaimer: Not mine. Oh, but how much more interesting would things be if I did, eh? *sigh!*
Summary: Four random moments that are exactly what
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Comments 12
My favorite part is this... "There was a volume to him. To his voice. When he spoke, it was always unrestrained, irrepressible. Especially when he was 'on' - whether that was on a stage, accepting or presenting an award (or singing). On the screen, mugging for the cameras one moment and then crushing the audience's hearts the very next. Or on television, talking to anxious interviewers like he was no kind of big thing at all and putting them at ease."
That's so incredibly Robert, and you captured it so perfectly!
Well done!
Always like encouraging good writers! :D
You write Stephen so perfectly! (as well as Robert and Jude obviously XD.
A lovely, lovely fic that you should be very proud of :D
But thank you so much! These two are such a tremendous amount of fun to write together! :D
And thanks for the comment about the Velveteen Rabbit vignette - I really had no idea where that one was going, but the muses insisted I keep going, so I did - nice to see that it worked for somebody! ^.^
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