Title: the pieces of this puzzle
rubykatePairing: Ginny/Tom
Rating: NC-17
A/N: written for
nightfalltwen as part of
dearsanta. Thanks very much to
hiddenshallows for beta'ing! (I'm assuming nobody else was up for beta'ing - but I can never have too many betas so if you did want to beta this, do go ahead and do so anyway!)
the pieces of this puzzle have been coming together for some time )
Comments 15
This is just a quick note to let you know that I've invited you to join harry_weasley, as you already have a fic archived at the Harry/Weasley Slash Archive. It's not an obligation or anything, I'm just commenting because LJ doesn't send out invitation notices anymore. *grumbles* To accept simply, go to this page. Thank you!
gold time-turner (as opposed to silver), dreams (not-so-innocent ginerva), dean (and staying with him), the invisibility cloak (silver! and stealing, ohh) and, oh, tom (perfect). their (un) relationship - so haunting in a way that works, before and after. how ginny is ohosocareful not to let tom know who she is.
and i have to say, the sex was hot, both naturally and kind of creepily, if that makes sense.
This is everything she's dreamed of, everything that's haunted her mind. He was her first love all those years ago, now she can be his.
that would be a terrific summary and so peotic, too.
i really the flow of itl the way things tie in - progressive dreams, the invivisbilty cloak, the mention of dean toward the dean. thorough but still stylisitic.
geez. <3.
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