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Comments 18

lilacs_roses March 21 2011, 06:06:53 UTC
Very nicely done. I haven't read too much SGA but I liked this one. Just the right amount of everything 'good' (I like to read) in a short fic.


rubygirl29 March 21 2011, 11:54:34 UTC
Thank you! John and Ronon are my favorite OTP. They're just lovely to write.


gaffsie March 21 2011, 12:46:07 UTC
Ugh, that monster was creepy! The whole ancient evil hiding in the mountains made me think that John and Ronon had had the misfortune of finding themselves in Shelob's lair. I'm glad they made it out okay and that they both remembered - and wanted to recreate - their shared kiss.


rubygirl29 March 21 2011, 15:37:31 UTC
Thank you. I admit it was more creepy than "dark." It was really my first attempt at horror. But I just couldn't be totally dark. I really am not that kind of personality. I had to give John and Ronon a bit of TLC.


stormylullabye March 21 2011, 18:26:59 UTC
That monster was so creepy. (I've named it Phil, I think Shep would approve.) I was a little worried Ronon wasn't going to make it out of that one because I don't read warnings, so I didn't know if you'd warned for character death or not. It was difficult to read, but such a good story!

I loved that John never left Ronon, no matter how hopeless it seemed, until Ronon made John save himself. It's romantic in a way that only our poor emotionally stunted boys can pull off. And of course, you made them get together in the end, so that's always wonderful. :)


rubygirl29 March 22 2011, 03:18:58 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! I don't think it was exactly "dark". Thank you for telling me it was a good story. It took me a long time to write, and I'm glad it was worth the wait!


jendavis March 22 2011, 17:54:20 UTC
Gah, I can't believe I haven't commented on this yet! I've read it twice now! Very creepy! But also very lovely, in that both of them were more concerned for the other than for themselves, and how naturally they came together. And Lorne and Stackhouse leading the rescue were just awesome!


rubygirl29 March 22 2011, 21:36:14 UTC
Thank you! I sweated bullets over this story. I was happy to get them back to Atlantis and into each other's arms! I'm am just not a dark person!

If I hadn't been so overwhelmed with RL issues, I probably would have gone more into the creature's background and origins, but I ran out of steam and the due date was looming. I'm looking forward to satedan_grabass, which is my favorite ficathon of the year! Yay!


jendavis March 23 2011, 15:23:27 UTC
I actually thought the monster was perfect- I used to be a huge horror fan, and read some once in a while, but I like it best when things are hinted at, so my brain fills in the rest. It's also why there is a lot of horror I don't like out there- if someone's describing a monster, and they go into so photographic detail, it kind of undermines the effect. It's better to leave people curious.

I think it was Stephen King's "On Writing" (which I would heartily recommend even if you're not a fan of his novels- it's actually the only book on writing that I in any way enjoyed) that talked about that as well.

Anyhow, yeah, I'm stoked for grabass as well. Can't wait! (even if I'm starting to worry about getting my story done in time. I tend to do okay when there's actually a deadline looking close overhead. :)


rubygirl29 March 23 2011, 16:06:07 UTC
Speaking of Stephen King, his son Joe Hill is speaking at one of our branches tonight, and I'll be going. It will be interesting to hear his insights on Horror, even though I don't read it much. I did read "On Writing" and also enjoyed it quite a bit.


sherry57 March 23 2011, 07:08:30 UTC
Great story hon. The monster was really creepy!! The whump factor was good and John and Ronon discovering their feelings for each other was lovely. John taking care of Ronon in the cave then Ronon taking cafe of John on Atlantis.....really nice. I love these two together. You always write them as so strong and yet at the same time loving and a little vulnerable.
Loved it....thanks hon.


rubygirl29 March 23 2011, 10:44:47 UTC
Thank you! I was hoping the creature would creep people out! And you know how I love by guys. I can't imagine John and Ronon not being both strong and vulnerable. I think we saw a little of that (not enough IMHO, in the series.

You're welcome, dear. I hope all is well with you. ((hugs))


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