Title: No Souvenirs
Author: Rubygirl29
Fandom: Stargate SG-1/Sanctuary
Pairing: Cam/Evan, Helen Magnus, Samantha Carter
Rating:NC-17, m/m sex
hc_bingo Wild Card. Build up of job-related trauma
Author's Note: I couldn't resist a SG-1/Sanctuary crossover with Helen Magnus. I hope I'm not too far off base with this!
Comments 21
Fav line: Cam's lovemaking was slow, heavy with pleasure and sweet as a pour of honey.
But John is good with anybody, if you ask me! LOL. Though I usually write John/Ronon. :-)
Thank you for the compliments on my writing. I'm blushing. Yes, I had fun with that picture of Lorne. And I'm so excited that Kavan will be at the con in Chicago in August. In addition, Ben Browder is supposed to be in Toronto at a con in July. I'm going to have a dreamy summer!
So I tried and I liked! You always write the couples so well, no matter which couple, I'm sure I'd like.
The beautiful build up from Cam sick to Cam being looked after so gently by Evan to eventually making beautiful love to each other. I feel like I've travelled in the calmest slow boat over a smooth sea. Absolutely delightful. Thanks for opening my eyes to the possibility of this pair of guys together.
At the end of the day, no matter which couple, if it's written with care and beauty, it's a lovely story to read.
Thanks so much for this hon.
If you look in my story archive, there are quite a few. Thank you so much for the lovely compliment on my writing. I always try to show the love and passion as well and the courage and strength of the characters.
Keep warm!
Lovely, lovely story which means I'm now frustrated as I can't run off immediately to read more as I've got an English leson to give shortly. However as soon as that's finished, I'm on the trail of more of Cam/Evan stories.
What are you doing with Traitor? Any chance of more of this soon? I really hope so as I love this story as well.
I'm so happy you liked Breakaway. Most of the other Cam/Evan stories are based in that AU.
"I'm not going to say I just happened to stop by on my way to another planet." Made me very happy, as I just watched the movie "Singles" for the first time in a decade (it was my favorite for years- I wore out the VHS), and this makes me think of the "I was just nowhere near your neightboorhood" line.
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