Twelfth - Action/Voice

Jan 15, 2012 14:16

I'm out- [ She muttered staring down at the communicator with a surprisingly blank expression, squinting a bit. ] ...Back here. [ With a cough she clutched at her chest after wiping away some of the tears (and blood) that made their way down her cheeks, and on the other hand the communicator fell onto the ground. After a moment of complete ( Read more... )

liechtenstein, c: n. italy

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Comments 89

fakereputations January 15 2012, 16:33:29 UTC

[Flynn had just been skimming through the network while out on his hunt for breakfast when he'd noticed this. He was relatively familiar with the forest, and this girl that he'd only seen around briefly was out there among God knows what, wounded and alone. He'd never seen a gun, so he has no idea what that item in her hand is, but he knows a damsel in distress when he sees one]

Blondie! Just hang on there, I'm on my way!

[He wastes no time in taking off running; his satchel is ever present these days while he house hunts, and it carries a bit of food and water too. He crashes through the train station and down the train tracks towards the Park, not sure how deep within this girl is]


brotherxcomplex January 16 2012, 08:08:27 UTC

... )


fakereputations January 16 2012, 22:47:57 UTC
[It doesn't take Flynn long to locate the girl; he'd remembered fairly well the look of the forest where she was. He kneels quickly beside her and reaches out, resting a hand against her shoulder. He tries to awaken her, to questionable effect, then drops his satchel to the ground so that he can rummage through it]

Hey there; it'll be all right. I'm gonna get you to the clinic in just a few minutes.


brotherxcomplex January 17 2012, 09:56:48 UTC
[ She groaned, gritting her teeth in pain. You might not want to move her to much, all the wounds and possibly fractured bones really hurt her to much. ]



honourboy January 15 2012, 17:38:13 UTC

[Kanetsugu's face had gone quite white when he saw this on the network. There were a lot of questions running through his head - what had happened, why was she full of blood, but the most pressing matter was to get there as soon as possible.

Never was he so grateful that he had a horse now and rides into her direction.]


brotherxcomplex January 16 2012, 07:53:43 UTC

... )


honourboy January 16 2012, 08:46:34 UTC
[Of course it didn't take him too long to arrivee there, as Matsukaze was also the fastest horse he had ever known. When he spotted her he jumped down of the horse to hurry to her side.]



brotherxcomplex January 16 2012, 10:58:06 UTC

... )


bloodiedchain January 16 2012, 09:40:31 UTC
H-hey... what... oy, that's not funny--!

[Alice stares at the feed worriedly, frowning before finally dragging herself out of the house.]

Dammit! Screw it, seaweed head, I'm not staying here in the house... YOU BETTER NOT DIE BEFORE I GET THERE!



brotherxcomplex January 16 2012, 11:00:40 UTC

... )


bloodiedchain January 16 2012, 11:04:39 UTC
[At some point, there's going to be an Alice in the forest, charging headlong into it and screaming loudly. Subtlety is not her specialty, it seems.]

LILI! Uh... that's the name, right...? WHERE ARE YOU!?!


brotherxcomplex January 16 2012, 11:14:39 UTC

... )


Action behaupten January 16 2012, 23:14:51 UTC
[What the- oh shit. Give him a millisecond, he'll be right there.]


Action brotherxcomplex January 17 2012, 10:07:36 UTC
[ She didn't react much, other then barely opening an eye. Well, to her in this state Prussia looked human enough for her to not think it was a monster. ]



Re: Action behaupten January 17 2012, 14:14:20 UTC
Hey Mausi, stay with me.

[He picks her up and carries her as far away from the woods as possible.]


Re: Action brotherxcomplex January 17 2012, 15:45:37 UTC
[ Hopefully he doesn't move her to much while he does that, but her expression only shifted a bit to a more pained one. ]


morethanpasta January 17 2012, 12:34:26 UTC

[Feli's eyes were wide and frightened as he stared at her lifeless body on the screen, unable to believe his eyes.]

Lili... please wake up?

[When he got no reply, he ran towards the woods at full Italian retreat speed. He had never been in the woods before, having minded the warnings to stay away from this place with its monsters. But then, Lili had always given him the strength to face monsters. He ran around aimlessly, calling her name loudly.]


brotherxcomplex January 17 2012, 15:51:45 UTC
[ She, of course, couldn't respond but she had her eyes opened barely a crack coughing every now and then, with some blood trailing down her mouth. He could follow the sound of her coughing or follow the trail of blood on the ground, as much as she didn't want him in the forest she was much calmer this way. ]


morethanpasta January 17 2012, 20:55:09 UTC
[It took Feliciano a while to notice the blood trail and Lili's coughing in his panic and over the sounds of his own, ragged breathing. When he did, he followed the noises and the trail as well as he could.

He gave a shrill scream as he finally caught sight of her, running to her side and dropping to his knees beside her.]

Lili, Lili, Lili, are you okay, Lili? Please be okay!

[He reached out to hold her, shake her, hug her, but his hands hovered uncertainly over her body. The state she was in scared him so much he didn't dare touch her for fear of making it worse.]


Fitting icon fits? brotherxcomplex January 17 2012, 21:24:00 UTC

... )


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