09 -- VIDEO.

Dec 20, 2011 23:04

[Outside a certain house, there are snowmen. Said snowmen look like certain people that some in this city may or may not know.

And a few yards away, under the porch of the house, is their creator -- yeah, the collapsed girl who's sniffling, sneezing and overall feeling miserable. Whoops.]

Ugh...someone kill me now... I feel like I'm going to die here ( Read more... )


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Comments 59

loyalraven December 21 2011, 07:26:15 UTC

[Gilbert is staring at the snowmen. Staaaaring at them. So much so that he doesn't notice Alice and her predicament. When he does, he just rolls his eyes.]

You're sick, stupid rabbit. Get inside and into something dry and warm.


bloodiedchain December 21 2011, 08:00:37 UTC
[Oh, a voice. Alice groans, glaring at the communicator.]

Don't talk so loud, my head's still ringing...


loyalraven December 22 2011, 03:30:12 UTC
[Gilbert shakes his head a bit.] Stupid rabbit.

[He's going to go find her and drag her inside now.]


bloodiedchain December 26 2011, 02:12:51 UTC
[And dragged inside she gets! She's still kind of out of it, though...]

Aaaugh... who the hell... is making the floor vibrate...


brotherxcomplex December 21 2011, 18:37:20 UTC
[ Nope, she still gets distracted easily and that snowman... looks like Break. Which of course, caught her attention. ]

A-ahh? You said something?


bloodiedchain December 26 2011, 02:15:05 UTC
[Ohai, isn't that one of the girls she saw at that one meeting Break held before he left? She looked like her.]

I feel like crap...


brotherxcomplex December 26 2011, 02:48:24 UTC
[ She frowns, worriedly leaning in. ]

Are you sick?


bloodiedchain December 26 2011, 10:02:45 UTC
Either that or I'm dying. I really hope it's just the first...

[Because dammit this sucks. Badly.]


honourboy December 21 2011, 21:13:17 UTC
It seems you are getting sick as well.


bloodiedchain December 26 2011, 02:13:57 UTC
Uuuugh... if this is what being sick is like I don't want any of it...

[She's twitching. As if her mercurial temper wasn't already bad enough as is...]


honourboy December 26 2011, 23:14:07 UTC
It is not a pleasant feeling indeed. Are you alone? You should not be alone if you are sick.


bloodiedchain December 29 2011, 05:13:10 UTC
No... the seaweed head dragged me inside. Literally.

[Her poor head. Also her coat. Dammit Gil.]


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