♋ 18th Memo [Action; Early Night.]

Dec 12, 2011 14:04

[It had been awhile since he had gone outside. Thinking about it now, he concluded the last time he was out and about was when the town was infested with zombies. Though the cold air had drawn his attention. The white frozen earth water had been falling for a few days now and finally his curiosity had gotten the better of him ( Read more... )

c: john egbert, karkat vantas, c: n. italy

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Comments 65

wehaveliv_doff December 12 2011, 22:39:16 UTC
[Though in retrospect John should really have warmer clothes before wandering in weather like this, there wasn't much that could keep a young man from snow. He had already romped through what there was left, and was regretting it with soggy pajama bottoms. Didn't stop him from continuing to walk though, though also shivering. And of course, who should he find, but...!]


[He runs over, stopping and looking at the monstrosity.]

... that's... that's an interesting snowman!


beepbeepmeeow December 12 2011, 23:01:03 UTC
[Karkat jumps at the loud shout. He had not been expecting to hear egderp approaching or calling out to him. There is a silence before he picks up a some snow and chucks right at John.]

Stupid human! Where have you been John!?

[He'll address the second comment later. First we must figure out where you have been John. Karkat is concerned.]


wehaveliv_doff December 12 2011, 23:15:38 UTC
[The silence had been awkward, but he sputters at the snow to the face, wiping it away.] Geez Karkat! Some of us have jobs! If I knew you missed me so much, I would have visited! And Karkat, that is not how you throw snow. [He crouches down, grabbing snow and compacting it.] See, you gotta shape it like this, aaaaand... [A strong toss to his face, and laughter.] Ta-da! Best snowballs ever!


beepbeepmeeow December 12 2011, 23:59:25 UTC
[A flail of grumbles and sputtering noises followed as Karkat wiped off the snow that now stung his face. A shiver went down his spine and his shoulder shook as the cold ice lingered. Karkat quickly composes himself and goes back to working on his...snowmonster.]

Yes John we can all see you have the greatest achievements in throwing snowballs. I didn't miss you! I was just curious as to where you were. It was a bit too quiet without you around.

[Don't be fooled John. He missed you.]


badatmyjob December 13 2011, 16:49:28 UTC
[Lukas is out for a walk, enjoying himself, when he comes across Karkat and his snow... man? He's not sure. He cocks his head, trying to figure it out.]

Hmm? Whatcha making?


beepbeepmeeow December 14 2011, 08:33:02 UTC
[At the noise he turns at a pivot to glance up at the visitor. He recognizes the demon instantly and doesn't seem to care much about his presence.]

It's a flying rocket propelled frost weasel.

[That was a lie, as well as sarcasm.]


badatmyjob December 14 2011, 17:33:12 UTC
You'll need bigger rockets, then.

[That was also sarcasm.]


beepbeepmeeow December 16 2011, 08:20:43 UTC
You're right go find me some. Let me draw you a treasure map and you can go get lost in your own consciousness while I stand here and be productive. Also keep to myself.


morethanpasta December 13 2011, 20:02:54 UTC
[Feliciano is out and about, enjoying the winter landscape and giving the sweater and gloves Lili had knit for him a good workout. He can't help making sad "ve" sounds as he surveys how little snow there is left. Too bad, he would have loved to build a snowman!

Imagine his delighted squeal as he catches sight of a snowman.]

Ve~! A snowman! [Have an excited nation flouncing closer, beaming like a small child as if the snow monster were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.]


beepbeepmeeow December 14 2011, 08:37:30 UTC
[Karkat just takes a moment to quietly stare in disgust at the bouncing human. Who ever though that one could get that excited over frozen water of all things. Karkat didn't really find the appeal in it, he was just simply making the thing cause he was bored. Also sentimental value...but that wasn't going to be brought up.]

Glad that you can see that. Go waste your time with someone who actually is willing to waste it with you.


morethanpasta December 14 2011, 14:48:40 UTC
[Oh look who it is. The rude pasta-insulting troll. Who is still being rude and insulting months later, not that Feliciano is holding an irrational grudge or something. Nope. It's not irrational if it's about pasta.

Feli's eyes narrow and he presses his lips together, already regretting that he'd stopped at all. Way to go, Karkat, you're one of the few people in the multiverse who can send him from happy straight to annoyed, no stopover, no siesta.]

You're mean! I wouldn't want my time on you!


beepbeepmeeow December 18 2011, 23:20:52 UTC
Oh? Then why are you here. If you feel so strongly about it then how about you locate yourself elsewhere to someone you want to waste your time on.

[And stop bothering him.]


behaupten December 13 2011, 21:52:08 UTC
[Remember the guy who has been annoying you? Do you? Well. He is here.]

That's one awesome snowman! I could make something more awesome than that but still it's not bad!


beepbeepmeeow December 14 2011, 05:56:17 UTC
[The loud noise attracts karkat's attention and he instantly regrets it as he looks up to see that bastards. A low growl echoes from his throat and protectively he turns his back to the nation, hiding his project. He worked so hard on it.]


behaupten December 14 2011, 14:05:14 UTC
[Gilbert won't destroy it. But he will compete with him.]

I bet I can make a better one! Big is out of the question, there isn't much snow left after all.


beepbeepmeeow December 16 2011, 08:31:44 UTC
Going to be tough. Well guess you should admit defeat and give the fuck up. Or go try your best at failure in front of someone who is actually interested.


[action] l1br4tor December 14 2011, 01:29:35 UTC
[Don't think Terezi hasn't noticed how often you've been staying inside lately Karkat. So she finds it rather odd when she can't find her matesprit in his respiteblock. Luckily, his familiar scent is still close by, and she follows it outside. She peeks around Karkat and sniffs curiously at Karkat's creation.] Is that...your lusus? It smells sort of lopsided, but it is sort of cute!


[action] beepbeepmeeow December 14 2011, 08:44:10 UTC
[He is not surprised to see Terezi show up. After all he does live with her and with his hive being a few distances away, it was only a matter of time before she showed up to tease him about his creation. He isn't too bothered though.]

Well this ice nipping slush was white and it's almost 12th perigrees eve. I was just thinking about my custodian and then I made this.


[action] l1br4tor December 15 2011, 04:31:44 UTC
[Another contemplative sniff.] It is nice! I think I will make one too! This slush smells awesome! [She then proceeds to fall backwards in the snow, roll around a bit, and bury her nose in the snow and sniff it before beginning work on her "masterpiece". Oh Terezi.]


[action] beepbeepmeeow December 16 2011, 08:27:34 UTC
[Karkat just watched her. All the while thinking, 'yup that's my matesprit...look at her go' honestly. Did she have to do it that way? Then again it was probably better then her licking up the snow, which was on the ground.

Karkat did take advantage of her rolling and picked up from the of the stirred up snow. Slowly he compacted it and added it to his own 'masterpiece.']


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