✙ XX ✙ [Action]

Nov 23, 2011 15:31

[Let it be stated, for the record, that Vash has never liked fighting.

Liked was not the word.

Excelled at was getting closer. Reveled in his own ability to maybe even more so ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, switzerland

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Comments 14

[Action] unit_202 November 23 2011, 21:36:56 UTC
[Should Vash happen to glance into a nearby alleyway his initial response might be alarm-- 202 has let herself be "cornered" there by a small, tight group of the undead and is thoroughly-coated with gore. Even her hair hangs loose to her backside in heavy red dreadlocks, swinging with what reveal themselves after a moment to be the smooth, almost graceful motions of combat.

202 might not be humming, but that's only because music has never been a factor in her life. Her own sidearm remains silently holstered at her hip, left unused today in favor of her heavy hand axes and, at present, her preferred weapons...Her own bare hands.]


[Action] neutralbyforce November 26 2011, 01:53:18 UTC
[The initial flash of panic at seeing his love thus cornered is almost immediately forgotten once he actually has a chance to see her. It’s a pity Vash can’t take a moment to admire 202’s deadly grace, but his mindless foes won’t allow it. Emptying another magazine into the crowd, one bullet for each skull, Vash lashes out with his steel-toed boot to cripple another as he begins to work his way back to where 02 is.

When he calls out to her, it’s with a cheerful tone rather at odds with the situation they’re in and punctuated with rapid bursts of gunfire.] Lovely day we’re having, isn’t it?


unit_202 November 26 2011, 16:21:42 UTC
[202 can't help but smile at the familiar sound of those solid old handguns doing their job, and at the wet sounds of dropping bodies that tell her they're doing that job well. She would have expected no less, of course, but it still gives her a small thrill of pride to see her lover working in his element like this. As one of the zombies staggers closer to her in an ill-advised attempt to grab at her arm, 202 dips and rounds on him while answering Vash in a tone every bit as chipper and upbeat as his own.]

It really is! It's been a long time since I had this sort of a numerical disadvantage, it's fantastic practice.

[With the last word she catches the fiend through the chest, impaling its ribcage with the thick claws of all five fingers as her other "hand"--If they can still be called such--takes hold of its head and twists it free with a wet crack. Looking over at Vash, she smiles brightly, a broad white smile gleaming where it splits the gore caking her face.]You seem like you're having fun as well, I notice. It's nice to stretch ( ... )


neutralbyforce December 16 2011, 02:20:54 UTC
[It probably says more than he'd like that Vash finds his werewolf all the more sexy in this moment-- and that deft move with the zombie's head...]

Very nice. I was afraid I had been getting rusty.

[Vash ducks under a clumsy attempt to grab his neck from one of his opponents, pushing a gun up under its jaw and making it rain skull fragments and brain bits. His own grin widens as the body falls.]


[action] l1br4tor November 24 2011, 03:46:27 UTC
Vash! [Terezi comes jogging on over. Her cane is already separated into its dual blades, and it seems to be covered in guts and blood, but she doesn't seem all that concerned with the zombies at the moment.] You look like you are having fun!


[Action] neutralbyforce November 26 2011, 01:56:22 UTC
[Vash takes aim and downs a zombie close on Terezi’s tail before he answers with a far too chipper voice for the situation.] I rather am, as it turns out. My poor weapons were starting to feel neglected. You seem to be doing pretty good for yourself as well.

Does all this blood in the air make it harder for you to “see”, Terezi? [As if this is the perfect time for idle chit-chat.]


[Action] l1br4tor November 26 2011, 17:38:29 UTC
I know! It is no fun to just lay around all day! This is much nicer! [She stabs another zombie before she replies, thoughtfully.] A little, but I am used to it. I just had to learn how to smell around it. It was either that or die. It is a little harder now because all of them have red blood, and the enemies I fought did not always.


[Action!] brotherxcomplex November 24 2011, 05:50:19 UTC
[ Hopefully he wouldn't mind someone hiding behind his back, would he? ]


[Action Forever] neutralbyforce November 26 2011, 02:00:45 UTC
[Of course not. Vash glances over his shoulder at his sister with a small smile.] Wouldn’t you be more comfortable inside?


[Action Forever] brotherxcomplex November 26 2011, 03:23:11 UTC
Hmhm, I'm fine here!

[ That and she would feel better if anything happened to him this way, at least she could maybe protect him? ]


(action) ninthforgiven November 24 2011, 16:13:02 UTC
[Lazlo isn't too familiar with guns. In the Island Nations, you're more likely to see spears or otherwise. He has witnessed guns before, but-- Not like this. Not actually in use.

He hears the sound from further off, the glow from the Rune of Punishment fading (used when there's no-one around to witness it). He turns and heads toward it, slow and cautious. He doubts it's a zombie--they don't use weapons, after all. He pauses just as he's about to emerge around a building, seeing Vash from afar.]


neutralbyforce November 26 2011, 02:43:31 UTC
[Vash is a sight to see. There's no pause between when a gun empties and is filled again, the gap that should exist filled with rapid fire from another. No bullet misses and very few don't manage to take down his shambling foes the first time around. The nation is in his element, centuries of defending his home shining forth.

When one zombie makes the mistake of trying to attack Vash from his blind spot, he breaks its shin with a well placed kick from his steel toed boot and then its skull when it falls. The others seem to hesitate, realizing that this man is just as deadly without his weapons as with.]


ninthforgiven November 26 2011, 23:02:47 UTC
[Lazlo slips out from his place, calling from a distance so as not to risk one of those bullets in his head,] Vash!

[His swords are held in both hands, his eyes flicking between the nation and the zombies.]


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