
Nov 06, 2011 03:23

[[Theta reads aloud a memorised poem. Her voice is very clear, with just the right amount of intonation for a dramatic reading ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, Elizabeθ Buckley, c: vanitas, c: n. italy

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Comments 170

[Text] poisoncatnip November 6 2011, 03:50:31 UTC
:33 < *ac pawnders what exactly catpunned to the big female human to cause such emeowtions...*
X00 < wait this is no time fur silliness!
:(( < are you okay???
:(( < what happened to you?


[text] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 03:53:13 UTC
I'm not a mere female.

And simply I'm tired of being alone. [[So your solution is to push people away. Clever, Theta.]]

Everyone celebrates their American holidays, and those of us from other places are left in the dust. I'm tired of it, and I'm tired of working hard for no reward.


[Text] poisoncatnip November 6 2011, 04:06:31 UTC
:(( < being alone is horrible
:(( < im not sure where my furiends are right now...
:(( < ...
:33 < well then! ill have to be your furiend then!
:33 < my names nepeta leijon! whats yours?

:33 < and uhh...
:33 < whats american mean?


[text] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 04:23:47 UTC
I don't want to be friends with a silly little troll who thinks friendship cures everything.

[[You don't know what you want, do you, Theta? You just want to be angry right now, don't you?]]

My name is Elizabeθ Buckley, and my name should be well known around here for the amount of work I put into this place. But no. No one cares. No one knows what an ergaleomancer is, despite my frequent announcements. No one comes to my shop for machines, no one even knows it's here. I'm sick of trying. I'm sick of all of the nonsense.


[Video] talkstomuch November 6 2011, 04:57:16 UTC
I'm sorry you had to celebrate alone, Elizabeθ. And I wouldn't say that things were... merrily celebrated, with the haunted house and the tricks that were played on everyone.

What's bonfire night about? That poem tells some of the story, I'm guessing, but it's nice to know more.


[video] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 05:16:49 UTC
It's a patriotic holiday. We burn effigies of political figures we don't like and light fireworks. And drink. I've only done the latter tonight, since there's no one to help me make a bonfire or find fireworks.

There's no toffee, no candy apples, no cider... It's a miserable fifth, just like last year. And no one cares, as per usual.

[[She's not drunk enough to be drunk, but she's drunk enough to be angry with the world, or more specifically to stop hiding the fact that she's upset.]]


[video] talkstomuch November 6 2011, 13:27:24 UTC
I don't come from your Earth, but I'll help you get a bonfire going. I'm not sure what to do about the fireworks though. In theory I could make some but they'd be much more dangerous and probably send us to the clinic before the end of the night.

And there should be cider in some of the shops. It may not be as great a fifth as you'd have back home but it'd be better than nothing.

[And Sam is sober so she can recognize that.]


[video] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 21:48:02 UTC
The shops have American cider, some non-alcoholic apple swill. Not cider. I'm drinking port instead. I can't make a bonfire at all, if you intend to help, you'll have to do it by yourself. I'm used to my leg finally, but it doesn't bend at the knee, my movements are somewhat limited.


[video] morethanpasta November 6 2011, 12:30:38 UTC
[Feliciano looks thoughtful as his face appears on the vid screen. A bit uncertain as well, for he doubts the wisdom of bothering the angry woman. But... she looked terribly unhappy and she had implied that she was bitter over being alone. Kind heart that he has, he can't stand the idea of anyone feeling alone, even if he isn't keen to suffer her wrath.]

I remember that. It caused quite a stir.


[video] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 21:45:30 UTC
You remember? You're a country?

[[The question is somewhat snapped, but she seems to be calming down for the subject change.]]


[video] morethanpasta November 6 2011, 22:34:12 UTC
[Well, this is going better than he had expected. He takes heart in this, his voice becomes stronger, less hesitant.]

Yes. We spoke once or twice when I was very new to the city, but I can't remember if I introduced myself properly. I'm the northern half of Italy, Veneziano.


[video] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 22:51:19 UTC
Remind me to invite you over to cook for me. [[She sighs angrily.]]

Does it bother you that they only celebrate American holidays here?


[Video] honourboy November 6 2011, 16:05:02 UTC
That... I am very sorry to hear that. You had been really a great help when I have arrived here and it is not nice you are feeling not appreciated even though you are making the effort to help all those people.

Is this bonfire a fiesta of your world?


[video] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 21:50:07 UTC
The fifth is a patriotic holiday in my home. There's fireworks and all sorts. It's wonderful.


[video] honourboy November 6 2011, 22:04:51 UTC
It surely sounds wonderful. [Kanetsugu gives a small smile.]

From the poem you cited it sounds like your ruler was mysteriously saved?


[video] ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 22:32:27 UTC
Not so mysteriously. The plotters sent out letters to spare those from parliament they thought agreed with them. One of them tipped off the king.


brotherxcomplex November 6 2011, 20:27:24 UTC
I... I'm sorry about that, maybe we can celebrate it a bit late?


ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 21:51:18 UTC
Someone's offered to help now. If you want to come to the bonfire, you're welcome. I'm not sure where we're going to make it yet, though.


brotherxcomplex November 6 2011, 21:54:03 UTC
See? It isn't as bad! Next time you should just remind us, hm... Miss Buckley, was it?

[ She tries to give her a little smile. ]


ergaleomancer November 6 2011, 22:31:07 UTC
After the response I got last year, I didn't see the point.


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