
Oct 02, 2011 18:45

[A tall figure is making it's way through the grocery markets today. He is dressed in his full suit, not minding that he must wear the clothes he had slept in, but enough is enough. Even with a basket of produce floating quietly by his hip, he knew that sooner or later, he would need to acquire access to a clothing shop or supplies enough that he ( Read more... )

dimitri lebedov, c: sieg, c: jeanne d'arc

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Comments 76

wontknowtilitry October 2 2011, 22:56:21 UTC
[That's a surprise to see when you're just dropping by to snag some cookies.] Whoa!

[Sieg blinks.] You just get here recently, mister?

[He's pretty sure of that, anyway. Getup like that would be difficult to forget.] There's some shops that have clothes. But we do have a tailor around here if you wanted something custom-made.

So what's yer name? I'm Sieg.


neurotic_insect October 2 2011, 23:06:28 UTC
[Wha? A child?]

[Dimitri set down the basket, peering at Sieg from behind his mask as he pondered the offered information.]

Yes. I arrived the day before. My name is Dimitri. I'm...not entirely sure how I came to arrive at this city.

Would you mind showing me around?


wontknowtilitry October 2 2011, 23:11:32 UTC
Oh yeah? Huh, I guess Gladys must have been asleep if she missed your arrival. Sorry about that. Usually we're supposed to have a few people by the station to take care of welcoming new people. It's nice'ta meetcha though, Dimitri.

Everyone comes in on that train-thing, but it's a one-way trip and no one ever remembers getting on it, much less how it can travel between so many worlds. [He shrugs.]

I wouldn't mind doing that though. I usually try to fill people in on things here anyway.


neurotic_insect October 2 2011, 23:41:21 UTC
Oh! That's...alright. I think it was better that I arrived with no one there. Made things easier for me to process. The supplies were greatly appreciated, if you were the ones responsible for it.

[Worlds? A quick peak into Seig's mind told him all he could bear to head and he was even quicker to get out of it. Alternate worlds?]

That's very generous of you. [He lifts the basket to float by his side again.] Anything and everything you can tell me would be of great help.


angedefrancais October 3 2011, 14:08:24 UTC
[Well a certain young woman would be nearby and a bit shocked to see your ah...mode of transport. But she will help you nonetheless]

Ah, bonjour. I assume you are new here. We 'ave shops zat contain all ze clozzing we may want. I can take you to one eef you like, monsieur.


neurotic_insect October 3 2011, 14:28:48 UTC
[He didn't mean to scare people with his powers most times. To him, they were so natural, he often forgot people could be off-put by them.]

Ah! [Dimitri immediately went into his polite mode, nodding his head in thanks. With her accent and bits of word-dropping, it was not hard to identify the little miss as being French.] M-merci beaucoup, mademoiselle. Uhm... [Darn. How did those blasted conjugations go again?]

Mon français n'est...pas très bon. [Thankfully, what he couldn't remember, he could draw upon from her thoughts.] I do speak English fluently, though. [And currently felt a might embarassed at his terrible French pronounciations.] Where can I find these shops?


angedefrancais October 3 2011, 14:36:52 UTC
[Normally a frenchman might be offended at that pronunciation, but Jeanne just smiled. That was kind of him to try to speak a language he clearly didn't know or speak often.]

[But this is where the city took control. She didn't speak English and his words sort of flew over her head. However she managed to understand him.]

Zere are strips all over ze city but main street has several. Allow moi to escort you. I can answer any ozzer questions you have about zis place.


neurotic_insect October 3 2011, 14:48:55 UTC
[She should have heard him when he was first learning to speak English. So many "V"s turned into "W"s...]

[And thank goodness the city was kind enough to dissolve language barriers, else this situation might have gone over far more awkwardly.]

Again, thank you. I could use the help. [It was a blow to his ego, but he'd been in situations like this before. Offering her to lead the way, he ventured to introduce himself properly.] My name is Dimitri. May I ask what your name is?


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