♠ 012 [Action]

Aug 21, 2011 22:49

[Here is Jack.

Here is Jack, sitting amongst what looks to be a nest of baby hadrosaurs.

Here is Jack, petting one or two on the head as he gets to his feet, dusting himself off.]

Well, I think here comes your mother, so everything should be all right now and- ah! See, she's back! I'll just....excuse myself then...

[He begins to clamber out ( Read more... )

jack vessalius, !event, c: gilbert nightray, c: naoki kashima, c: kou, c: stray

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[Action] loyalraven August 23 2011, 03:04:08 UTC
[Gilbert is out foraging. Because well, they've got to eat. Right? Right.

What he is not expecting though, is finding Jack.

In a nest.

Being mothered.

By a dinosaur.

This is Gilbert watching from the distance. And that laugh you're hearing, Jack? Does it sound familiar. Because it should be.]


loyalraven August 28 2011, 06:42:51 UTC
Ah... yes. It is. Very good. [Gilbert cares quite a bit about his angry little brother.]


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 07:28:53 UTC
[Jack's happy to know that. He'll have them all together for a family dinner some day, he will!]


loyalraven August 28 2011, 07:34:28 UTC
[Oh god. Good luck with that dinner, Jack. Angriest dinner. But that aside.] You should come back with me. We've set up camp.


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 07:37:21 UTC
[He can dream, can't he?! ;o;] Hm? Oh, yes! I won't turn down that invitation- and I'm sure your set up should be more comfortable than being in a nest.


loyalraven August 28 2011, 07:39:22 UTC
Well, we have better table manners if nothing else. [Again Gilbert offers him a smile.] I'm afraid that you can't invite your friends along, if they aren't housebroken.


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 07:50:17 UTC
[Jack laughs, shrugging his shoulders.]

That's unfortunate, but I'm sure they'll understand. Mother seems to be very strict about things anyway.


loyalraven August 28 2011, 07:52:22 UTC
Yes. Well, then let's get going before "Mom" decides that you belong back in the nest with the others.

[He inclines his head in the direction he came from.] It's not too far, luckily.


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 08:01:44 UTC
Oh yes, good idea!

[Nodding, he looks in that direction before casting a glance back towards the nest.]

Perhaps we should hurry, then. Just in case.


loyalraven August 28 2011, 08:06:47 UTC
[That earns a brief laugh and he nods.] Probably a good idea. Let's go. [He'll start off then, hesitating only long enough to make sure that Jack is following along.]


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 08:16:36 UTC
[Not to worry, Gilbert. Jack doesn't have any urgent need to turn back. He does offer a wave at them in good-bye; for overgrown lizards they'd been relatively pleasant!

....although he hadn't quite expected that they might try to follow him at that. One of the babies peers over the dirt mound before attempting to clamber over it.]



loyalraven August 28 2011, 08:24:51 UTC
[Gilbert blinks at that, and does his best not to look amused. Jack gets himself into interesting and unique trouble.] ...you can't keep him, Jack. We already have a pet. [...he means Alice.]


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 08:30:14 UTC
[Oh that's mean, Gil!] I didn't-

[He does give Gilbert a quizzical look at that, obviously not catching on to whom 'pet' implies.]

Here now- go back! [He tries waving the dinosaur back, not that it knows one hand movement from the other.] Go on, look, your siblings are- ...looking this way now, aren't they. Oh dear. No, no- you can't all come, I'm sure your mother would object..!


loyalraven August 28 2011, 08:37:04 UTC
[Haha. Well, there's always the evil murder machine cat too. Gilbert is trying not to laugh again.] ...they really like you.

[He pauses for a minute and looks around. He picks something fruitish looking off a tree and bends down to roll it past the little dinosaurs, trying to distract them long enough that he can grab the blond and run.]


bound_by_this August 28 2011, 08:51:31 UTC
I'm touched, really! -ah, good thinking, Gilbert!

[The dinosaurs turn their attention towards the fruit thing, giving the two the opportunity to make a break for it.]

They'll be all right, you think? I hope they don't wander too far..!


loyalraven August 28 2011, 16:25:59 UTC
[Gilbert makes a point of keeping on the move now. He shakes his head.] I'm sure they'll be fine. Their mother isn't far. Animals are good at taking care of themselves.


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