
Aug 15, 2011 22:37

[Waking up in Ruby City is always one of two things; Miraculous(for the sake of actually surviving the night), or terrifying(because things have changed, yet again.). Today, apparently, it is a case of the latter.

Sitting up from a bed of leaves upon which she most certainly does not remember lying down when she went to sleep, 202 glances around ( Read more... )

c: liechtenstein, !event, unit 202, c: lavi baka usagi, c: vexen, c: switzerland

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Comments 158

weaponsofwords August 16 2011, 03:44:43 UTC
[Lavi is in the latter category here. His arrival is somewhere just on the other side of wolf. He woke up not long ago himself, and has recently met the rather impassible canopy with his head on an attempt to pole vault above the jungle using his hammer. When that didn't work, he wandered off dazed.

Which brings us to this moment right here, while a bookman who is stumbling a bit and holding his head while cursing at the treetops above finds himself suddenly coming right up on a rather intimidating lupine creature. And he stops short, looking up.]

Umm... oh.


unit_202 August 16 2011, 04:14:22 UTC
[Oh! Lavi! 02 opens her mouth to greet him, "smiling," only to realize...

...Of course. Of course, he would happen to stumble upon her when she can't talk... And, in retrospect, might be somewhat terrifying to behold. Dropping onto her elbows in a fairly relaxed-looking crouch, she tilts her head to watch the bookman curiously. So long as he doesn't try and attack, it might be fun to see how he handles this...]


weaponsofwords August 16 2011, 04:34:12 UTC
[So the "smile" is a little intimidating. Lavi won't lie. But he's currently not moving. Instead he's watching the wolf curiously. And for a moment he wonders if he's going to have to defend himself from getting eaten, but well, that doesn't look like attack posture. Then again, he's not sure if she's part of the jungle illusion or not. Hmm.

He tilts his head, mimicking the other's posture. Huh.] ...hello. I ah... just passing through. On my way, umm... that-a-way.


unit_202 August 16 2011, 04:40:13 UTC
[...Leave it to Lavi to try and talk to what for all he knows might just be some random, city-spawned monster. 202 would laugh, if she could. Instead, she ducks her head to look up--rather than down--at him and gives a slow wag of her tail, looking for all the world like an absurdly oversize version of somebody's pet... Or trying to, at any rate.]


brotherxcomplex August 16 2011, 18:32:37 UTC
[ Well, compared to the huge creature she saw awhile ago this one is much better. At least it wasn't after her or her rabbit... She silently walked closer to it, it didn't seem intimidating, but she it was mostly curiousty that brought her closer. ]



unit_202 August 17 2011, 03:10:23 UTC
[The girl? No. The rabbit... Well, a prey animal is a prey animal, but the fact that this one is currently being held like a pet means that 202 will make every effort to restrain herself. The girl holding it is much more interesting anyway... That hairstyle... This must be Vash's sister, there's just no question.

As 202 settles gently onto her elbows to watch the girl approach, she tilts her head curiously. She must be a brave little thing, this Lili, to walk right up to a monster of 202's considerable size... When the girl greets her, it's almost enough to make her want to laugh. Instead, she just slowly wags her tail by way of reply. It's not much, but hopefully it will make up for the words she can't use right now.]


brotherxcomplex August 17 2011, 03:23:09 UTC
[ At times bravery is just another word for stupidity, but she didn't mind since it didn't seem to want to attack her. So maybe this one is different? It didn't look happy, either, but that might just be her.

She blinked, so it does understand? And it didn't want to hurt her, well, she gives her a smile promptly sitting down, holding her rabbit closer. ]

Shshh, it's okay. [ She looked down at her pet, petting it to comfort her. ]


unit_202 August 17 2011, 05:53:13 UTC
[Bravery and stupidity are often entirely interchangeable--202 would agree to that without a doubt, as would Lili's brother, she's sure...She's seen him act accordingly more than once, after all. Perhaps it's a trait the two nations have picked up from one another.

02 wants very badly to shift back to human, to talk to this girl she's heard so much about, but... This jungle hardly seems safe, and she'll be better protection in this form. Hopefully an opportunity will arise later, but in the interim 202 lies down in an attempt to look as friendly as possible and just hopes that the tiny girl will have some better idea about their situation than she does.]


neutralbyforce August 17 2011, 02:34:29 UTC
[It has not been a good day for Switzerland. He woke up in this jungle after only just getting to be reunited with his sister with only one handgun, its mate and his Carbine presumably still hung up at home. With precious little ammo and only a few of his normal accoutrements, to say the country is on edge would be a slight understatement.

Which is why the last thing on his mind is his lover's ability to shift. He's never seen the real thing in full, after all-- if he had had time to think, time to process, the end result may have been different. But as it is, Vash is in survival mode. When he sees a large and snarling wolf-creature he acts on instinct and pulls the trigger; maybe some part of his subconscious realizes what is really going on because the shot hits her shoulder rather than the heart he was aiming at.]


unit_202 August 17 2011, 02:50:32 UTC
[There's a brief yelp of pain as that shot strikes her shoulder, but it's quickly stifled as 202 turns to face this new threat. Bullets are nothing she hasn't dealt with before, after all.

As she turns she catches a flicker of movement out of the corner of her eye and lashes out automatically at her attacker. One immense, cruelly-clawed handpaw impacts Vash with a force not unlike what it must feel like to be hit by a car, throwing him a few feet into the nearest tree before 202 even realizes who it is that she's retaliating against.]


neutralbyforce August 17 2011, 03:11:11 UTC
[The wind is knocked from his lungs as Vash hits the tree full force, crumpling to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut. He gasps for air, stars dancing in front of his eyes. It's a miracle nothing is broken, but a few ribs are certainly bruised to say the least.

Struggling to his hands and knees, Vash reaches for his gun only to realize its been knocked to the other side of the clearing.]


unit_202 August 17 2011, 03:26:20 UTC
[202 wastes no time in following through with her attack-- As Vash struggles onto his knees she's already diving for his midsection, jaws wide. Bounding close enough to him to close her maw over his torso, 202 kicks up a cloud of leafy debris that--luckily for her quarry--is thick with his scent thanks to that prior impact.
Those leaves might have just saved your life, Vash.
The beast freezes halfway through lifting her prey into the air as her mind slowly registers, with no small amount of horror, what it is that she's doing.]


THIS IS NOT LATE AND I DON'T HAVE OTHER THIGNS I SHOULD BE DOING. iludae glacialis_nemo August 20 2011, 06:07:46 UTC
[ Well, if Ruby City's going to throw him in a jungle after Eleven's arrival, at least their keepers were tasteful enough to put him in the general vicinity of a natural wonder, even by the science of his universe. Or, rather..from where he was sitting up, he had a slightly obscured view of the whole scene through some underbrush.

He was still in poor shape for the time being, tired and slow-moving as his body was regaining it strength from the recovery process, but he was able to stand and brush himself off with ease.

He was silent about what few movements he made, having no intention to interrupt the girl's process of transformation for multiple reasons, one of which being that he knew very well how women didn't appreciate being seen without clothing, especially by strange men. Ergo, he waited until the transformation process was finished and she started to move away from the site to make his presence clear and known. Stepping through the brush to make himself more visible was a good way to do this. ]

Girl. [ So would trying to ( ... )


You even tagged yourself! Oh bb COME TO MY ARMS unit_202 August 20 2011, 17:23:08 UTC
[02 freezes midstep, momentarily appalled. Not by the idea of being seen in the nude, no--Because after all, who cares? A body's a body, after all--but rather by the other implications by that one word, spoken by an unfamiliar voice. Somebody had seen her shift. Somebody she didn't know, knew her secret.

Turning her massive head slowly to regard what she can only construe as a potential threat, she's relieved to see that the stranger doesn't seem poised to attack. He also, however, doesn't look afraid, and for anybody outside of her old Facility handlers, that's uncommon... The rest of her body follows her head's lead and she turns to regard him calmly, ears forward and eyes alert. Whatever this man is, to be so confident, she doesn't trust him... But her curiosity is stronger than her concern, so she stays.]


...Wait I did? /RUNS THROUGH A FIELD OF FLOWERS SLOW-MO TOWARDS :D glacialis_nemo August 20 2011, 23:05:26 UTC
[ He continued to hold his ground, staring calmly with a thin-lipped mask of indifference. This man carried himself with pride and class, and underneath an analyzing, scrutinizing gaze, there was a fell grace, subtle and indescribable as the grace seen in malevolent wraiths.

Vexen had faced down and caged beasts that could give this wolf a run for her money. The memory of fear found no purchase here. ] Is it common for others such as yourself to transform without the moonlight?


You did, you beautiful beast! Five points to your house. unit_202 August 21 2011, 15:10:01 UTC
[202 tilts her head curiously, momentarily taken aback by the question. Not that there was a common basis in her world, of course, but none of the stories had ever indicated that "werewolves" had her degree of control over their shifts... It begs the question, though, as to why this stranger is curious. She's not keen on giving anybody too much information about herself, not when she doesn't know what he wants it for.

Pausing to first give a slow, bored-looking yawn while she thinks it over, she takes the opportunity to look her spectator over. He doesn't look like a scientist... Fine. There's a moment's pause, then a slow side-to-side sweep of her head to indicate the negative.]


masked_stag August 22 2011, 20:30:54 UTC
[James is exploring, wand raised and also ready to transform if needed, when he comes across the werewolf.] Whoa... [He never expected to see one of those here and moves into the shadows to become Prongs. No need to show off here.]


unit_202 August 22 2011, 21:12:23 UTC
[202 pauses, glancing curiously around herself. There's a peculiar scent suddenly close by... One she knows, almost, but not quite. It's... Well, distracting. Glancing around to try and catch sight of the source, she slowly lowers her nose to the ground to try and find them that way, instead. This jungle was full of odd scents, but this one seems different somehow, and she's curious.]


masked_stag August 22 2011, 21:32:42 UTC
[Prongs edges forwards. He does remember the food chain of animals but he's not been eaten yet so he slowly comes about in front of the wolf, almost staring it down, seeing how different it is from Moony.]


unit_202 August 22 2011, 21:45:18 UTC
[202's not called by the moon nor controlled by her instincts even in this form, thankfully. At the stag's approach she pauses, her head tilting curiously. It's not behaving normally, given that's encountering a predator of her size... And... It doesn't quite smell right... Ducking her head, she moves to sniff it curiously. Who knows, in this place?]


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