threaded_fate, OPEN
What: Not too willing to do any exploration on his own, Kanon lingers in the clinic lobby, still somewhat hoping that this is all just a bad dream in which he could blame his cousin for.
When: Monday evening
Where: The Clinic
Warnings: PG?
Status: In Progress
You can understand dependence when you know the maker's land )
Comments 32
It was a lot to take in ... and very hard to take when you did. Sleeping on it might just be the best response.
With a faint smile, she ducked into one of the rooms to bring back a pillow and a blanket from the beds. Going tiptoe, the 8-year-old carefully draped the blanket over the newcomer's sleeping form, trying her hardest not to wake him. ]
....am I intruding...?
[He was only about five years older than Conan, but gauging from the sound of the weight of footsteps, Kanon couldn't make too many guesses as to who'd thought to provide a blanket for him. Finally he opened his eyes, not that it made much difference to him, but even though the were unseeing, he still managed to look roughly where Conan's face would be, having listened for her breathing.]
[Conan considered the new-comer curiously. There was something about the way her companion hadn't looked towards her immediately that she'd seen before -- but where?]
Sorry if I woke you! I was trying to be quiet.
[He sat himself up, rolling his neck with a slight wince- that hadn't been the best place to fall asleep. The boy shook his head at Conan's apology.]
Yeah, I know. It's okay. I wasn't asleep long.
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