Day 01 ~Not So Fun House~

Feb 07, 2011 20:19

Who: Roxas, Ven, Open to passersby or responders... it'll make sense after a couple posts.
What: So a Nobody Durp and a Durp with a (literally)broken heart walk into a mysterious city...
When: Pretty early. The sun's still rising.
Where: Around the old clock tower
Warnings: Some possible BBS or 358/2 Days spoilers, but nothing serious unless you figure being a durp is contagious.
Status: [In Progress]

With a quiet groan to himself, he stirred, slowly clamoring to his feet and stretching out as he felt the familiar sensation of sunlight on his face. It was kind of welcoming, really. While never much of a morning person, Roxas had come to like his last home just because of how nice that sort of thing felt on the rare days when he did pry himself out of bed at early hours.

All of such thoughts serving as a tiresome reminder of his new situation. He yawned a little as he walked toward the short wall that enclosed the ledge of the old clock tower he'd stumbled across. Propping himself up on his hands as he put his weight on the aged stone, he looked out at his new surroundings -hedging a guess from the morning sun that he'd only been dozing for about twenty minutes. It was strange to see an unfamiliar place again. After two-hundred and thirteen days of true freedom in a place he'd come to consider home, suddenly being thrown into a place like this was leaving him in mildly soured spirits.

Figuring that he should probably drop down to ground level and continue his search of the city for a sign of anyone else, he casually drew the watch he'd received at the train station from his pocket. Once he'd figured out it was similar to his old communicator, it wasn't a stretch to think that the whole purpose of the device more or less implied that there were other people out there. He just wasn't sure how welcoming they might be to an outsider. Blame old habits dying hard.

As troublesome as he found the whole of his new situation, the young man really couldn't help but to find some novelty in the shape of the device. He'd remembered seeing fancy pocket watches in shop windows before and he'd often considered picking one up just because of how they looked. So he'd have to be excused for grabbing the length of chain dangling off it and casually whirling the silver device around a little. It was actually pretty amusing... until he slipped with it and the object tumbled from his hands toward the ground below.

"..." He was initially at a loss for words as he watched it plummet from his grasp. With a sigh, he finally shook his head as he muttered to himself, "What have I learned about showing off again?"
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