Blood Cells Pixelate

Jul 14, 2010 19:54

Who: Rufus ShinRa and ShinRa Personnel
Time: Wednesday Afternoon.
Location: Library
Summary: Rufus plays catch up.
Rating: G, I assume.

Waiting. Few had, until recent years, ever made Rufus ShinRa wait outside of his terms.

But in the last two years if he had learned anything, it was patience for what he wanted. Healing would come, the cure for Geostigma could be found, the city of Edge could be built, the Turks he had sent on a mission and not returned would come back. And patience was a hard thing for a man who had held the world in his palm to learn, but indeed it had become something he had mastered recently. Now, Rufus ShinRa used waiting as a tool, a weapon, a way to reflect on the things that had happened and his plans for the future.

Now he waited again, in this strange place with even stranger people, to meet those of his past and even those of his future. After all, he assumed someone out there knew how it all ended, with the amount of people from Gaia here.

Waiting, he would just have to do so until he could pry it out of them.

rufus shinra

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