✙ XIV ✙ [Action]

Sep 10, 2011 17:51

[To anyone out walking around the train station, you will run into a very tired but satisfied Nation. He's standing outside his finally finished home, smiling up at it with an affection normally reserved for his sister, his girlfriend, and his guns... not in any particular order ( Read more... )

c: red, switzerland, c: unit 202, c: lazlo, c: jack vessalius, c: n. italy

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morethanpasta September 11 2011, 19:54:58 UTC
[Feliciano is aimlessly wandering through the town when he catches sight of Switzerland's house, looking all pretty and neat. As he catches sight of the owner, he hurries towards him, waving his arms wildly and beaming.]

Vash, Vash! Your house is so pretty! It looks just like a house in Switzerland!


neutralbyforce September 13 2011, 01:44:58 UTC
[Glancing up at the familiar voice, Vash puts his hands up to ward off a hug-- not because he has personal space issues (which he does, but that's beyond the point) but because he's still got wet paint on him. He does give a small but warm smile however; he hasn't forgotten how kind you were before, Italy.]

Feliciano, it's nice to see you. Thank you for saying so. That was the hope.

[Vash looks back towards the house, smiling a little more.]


morethanpasta September 13 2011, 12:25:39 UTC
[Feliciano pouts a bit that Vash clearly doesn't want a hug, but he refuses to let it dampen his cheer. He just bounces around a bit and darts from one spot to the other to inspect some detail of the house.]

It's nice to see you, too, Vash! [He comes to a halt in front of Vash again and grins at him, hands crossed behind his head.] You've worked very hard! You should celebrate with a housewarming party!


neutralbyforce September 13 2011, 18:11:16 UTC
[Sorry, Feliciano, Switzerland still isn’t big on the whole “hugging” thing. He does pause to consider Italy’s suggestion though…]

A housewarming party? You think so?

[A bunch of people coming into his new home, tracking dirt everywhere and probably ending the evening by getting roaring drunk-it says a lot about how far Vash has come since he arrived here that he’s actually not entirely against the idea.]


morethanpasta September 13 2011, 20:28:12 UTC
[Feliciano nods enthusiastically. He is surprised Vash didn't reject his idea right away, but that just makes him just all the more eager to convince him.]

Of course you should have one, it can't be a real new home without a housewarming party! It'll be fun! We can dance and laugh and talk all night long. It would be nice having all your friends around you at once, don't you think so?


I-Italy, stop, you're making mun have heart attacks from cuteness >w< neutralbyforce September 14 2011, 01:28:53 UTC
...Yeah. It might be...

[Vash glances at the other country with a small smile.]

...If I did have a party, not saying I am, but... would you help me prepare? With the cooking and such, I mean.


Don't worry, I'll do CPR! morethanpasta September 14 2011, 10:40:10 UTC
[Asking Italy to cook? Why, you couldn't have made him more happy.]

Of course! I'd love to! [Excuse him while he drifts off into food land.] I love pasta and tiramisu and biscotti and amaretti and...

[He goes quiet, suddenly remembering the small but important detail that it isn't his party he's planning. He smiles sweetly at Switzerland.] But we're going to make something you like, too!


:D neutralbyforce September 19 2011, 21:14:49 UTC
[Vash can't help but laugh a little at Feliciano's enthusiasm.]

Those all sound wonderful. I'm good with anything [as long as it's free] and your cooking is quite good, Italy.


You really think a housewarming party is a good idea? I wonder if anyone would show up...


morethanpasta September 19 2011, 21:22:47 UTC
Ve~ if you promise not to shoot your guests...? [He flashes Vash a grin and giggles softly.]

Although... if there aren't many guests, that means more food for the ones who come! But I'm sure people will come. I could invite Germany and my brother... and you should invite many pretty girls! [He giggles again.]

[There is still a smile on his face, but Feliciano's tone of voice turns earnest.] You're a very nice person, Vash. I think your friends would like to spend time with you.


OwO THAT ICON <3 neutralbyforce September 20 2011, 20:38:27 UTC

[Vash is touched beyond words by Feliciano's comment. To hear it from someone who knows him, who has known him for longer than the months spent here... No. Those are not tears. The sun was in his eyes. Obviously.]

...Thank you, Feliciano. I think a party is a must. This city can get too gloomy at times... maybe it would do us all good to be reminded that there is still life here.


Oh Vash, you're adorable! morethanpasta September 21 2011, 10:37:57 UTC
[The sudden moistness of Vash's eyes doesn't go unnoticed by Feliciano. But... no. He bites down on his bottom lip, tugs his hands into his pants pockets and forces himself not to hug him or squeal or kiss his cheek or... It's not fair, he really wants to! But no, he can't let on that he notices. He will be embarrassed and then he might get mad again. Germanic nations are so silly!]

Ve? [Oh no, now he has missed part of Vash's answer, being all busy resisting the urge to cuddle. He nods and beams, that's always a good idea.] Yeah, it's really lively here! All kinds of nice people and no war!


Isn't he though? neutralbyforce September 22 2011, 20:47:05 UTC
[And Vash appreciates the effort, Feliciano, he really does. Silly or not, he's not big on the whole "touching" thing still. With the back of his hand he swipes at his eyes, because, you know, dust.]

Yes. The lack of war is... definitely a plus. Even if it means my guns don't get much of a workout.

[Not that it matters. His Carbine is as perfect as the day he got her all those decades ago.]

...And there's no lawn for you to streak through.

[He glances at his neighbor with what might be the slightest hint of a grin, what?]


morethanpasta September 22 2011, 20:51:41 UTC
Ve! [He presses a hand against his mouth, but it does nothing to stifle his giggles.

His eyes sparkle with mischief as he hums mock thoughtfully.] But you've got a garden now... Are you sure you don't want me to streak through it? For old times' sake? [Another giggle escapes him.]


neutralbyforce September 22 2011, 22:00:04 UTC

[Vash's grin widens a little more, despite his attempt to look stern.]

Then I might really have to shoot you again, Feliciano, and I get the feeling that might ruin our friendship a bit.


morethanpasta September 23 2011, 08:12:58 UTC
Feliciano giggles as if Vash had told him a hilarious joke.

"Hahaha, you shooting at me, that's so funny, Vash!" He smiles sweetly, full of trust. "Switzerland wouldn't shoot me anymore! You're my friend!"


neutralbyforce September 25 2011, 22:31:40 UTC
[Vash returns the smile; how can he help it, in the face of that sweet expression?]

...No. I wouldn't shoot at you. But just because I'm trying to break the habit.


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