Shneerson Library Again

Feb 25, 2011 22:40

A new stage of scandal connected with the refusal of Russian Federation to return “Shneerson library” takes on grotesque forms - the minister of culture Alexander Avdeev threatens to stop Russian exhibitions to America.

The Russian minister is afraid the exhibitions can be arrested on the American territory as in August 2010 the American court again confirmed the known fact - the Russian authorities keep the library unlawfully and should return it to Chabad Lubavich.

Back in 1915 Yosif Yizchak Shneerson gave the collection of 12 thousand books for safe keeping as the front line of World War II came close to Lubavitchi, and the Rebbe moved to Rostov-on-Don. In 1918 the Bolsheviks issued a decree and appropriated the library. Another part of the collection was taken by the Rebbe to Poland but when World War II broke first the Nazis took it, then the Bolsheviks took it back to Moscow.

On October 8, 1991 the Supreme Arbitration Court of RSFSR ruled to return the collection to Chassids but the library refused.

In a couple of years the new authorities returned to the old positions, and the decisions on the return were cancelled.

“The Shneerson library” was established in early 20th century by rabbi Yosif Yizchak Shneerson on the basis of the collection started in 1772. It includes 12 thousand books, 50 thousand of rare documents including 381 manuscripts. For Chassids it’s a sacred relic.


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