международный композиторский семинар ensemble modern

Jun 29, 2008 19:37

Announcement: 4th International Composition Seminar of the International Ensemble Modern Academy

Made possible by the Allianz Cultural Foundation

Directed by Ensemble Modern and the composer and conductor Johannes Kalitzke the International Composition Seminar will take place for the fourth time. Due to its special structure it's an exciting and innovative programme which is the only one of its kind in Europe.
In the context of this seminar 4-6 composers are invited to create new directed Ensemble pieces which will be premiered by Ensemble Modern.

Interested composers, conductors and musicologists are invited to take part in this project.

Periods: 30.10.-02.11.2008 / 01.-10.05.2009 (compulsory attendance without exception!)
Final concert(s): at least one in Frankfurt in the mentioned second period
Age limit: 35 years old
Deadline for application: 11. July 2008 (postmark)
Annoucement of results: in the end of July 2008. Together with the results the participants will be informed about instrumentation and other conditions.

Application documents:
Composers: detailed CV, 1-2 scores, not older than 2 years, instrumentation up to Ensemble size; recording on CD
Conductors: detailed CV, DVD (at least two different pieces)
Musicologists: detailed CV, one essay (free choice; if available: on a contemporary topic)
IEMA covers: travel (within Europe) and accommodation costs

CONTENT and STRUCTURE of the Seminar
The International composition Seminar creates the opportunity for composers, conductors and musicologists to work intensively in partnership with a professional ensemble. Composers and conductors will develop and perform new works. Musicologists will receive the chance to closely examine all aspects of the working process with a view to publishing material. The participants will benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience aquired by the members of the Ensemble Modern who's visionary approach towards all aspects of 20th and 21st century repertoire has given them a unique standing in the field of contemporary music. The programme, which will be divided into two phases, will also involve the participation of the acclaimed composer and conductor Johannes Kalitzke.

1. Working Phase (30.10.-02.11.2008)
Composers will develop compositions during the first phase of the programme. The new work hasn't to be finished until then - there is the chance to work on certain sound ideas as well as first parts of the new composition. Daily workshops will be held in which all aspects of the work in progress will be examined. The Ensemble, with the assistance of the conducting participants will aim to be as flexible as possible. The tutor will be present at the workshops and will assist participants in further detailed analysis of the works.

2. Working Phase (01.-10.05.2009)
Following the break, in which composers will reflect upon their work and the insights gained during the initial phase and finish their composition, the second phase will concentrate exclusively on the completed compositions. These will be rehearsed by the Ensemble Modern and conclude with public performance. Again Johannes Kalitzke will assist and advice the participants.

Both periods will be accompanied by musicologists in order to document the processes and results.

Internationale Ensemble Modern Akademie
Christiane Engelbrecht
Schwedlerstr. 2-4
D-60314 Frankfurt

+49 (0)69 94343025

Fax: +49 (0)69 94343030
E-Mail: engelbrecht@ensemble-modern.com

Конкурсы и Call for scores

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